Page 161 of Mafia Grace

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I frowned. I had a meeting with the lawyers all morning and had no time to check in with Pietro.

“What are you talking about?”

Yannis frowned.

“No one called you?”


“Your guards noticed someone was casing your car earlier. They didn’t get a face.”

“What the fuck did you just say?”

My body turned to ice.

“It’s no big deal. Definitely not police.”

No, the police weren’t on my tail, because they were bought and paid for. I only had one enemy here in Sicily and that was what scared me.

“There was a tail on my car?”

“Yes. Probably wants to know your whereabouts. It happens. We’ll find out who it is.”

I jerked up to my feet and slammed my fist on the desk so hard, splinters flew across the room.

“Find out now!” I roared.


“My wife took that car out!” My chest started burning, rapidly going up and down. “If there’s a tail on my car, they’re following Grazia.”

He stayed silent for a second and got up on his feet.

“Is she alone?”

“Samuel and his boys are looking after her. Call them now. Bring her and my cousin home.”

“On it.”

Every fiber in my body was stretched to the limit, the tension spreading like a disease. I felt ready to snap and I knew there was no release until Grazia would walk through the door.

The smell of danger was lingering around me and I didn’t like it one bit. My instincts were too sharp to miss, especially when it came to something so important as my wife. I had a sixth sense for her, and now all the alarms were going off. My palms were itching because I couldn’t touch Grazia, and my head was booming because I had no idea where she was and who was following her car.

Yannis came back in the room and what I saw on his face didn’t improve my mood one bit.

“What?” I said through my teeth.

“The guards lost them.”

“What the fuck do you mean lost them?”

“They were at a restaurant and then, I don’t know,patrone. Maybe Grazia ditched them. She drives like a little devil.”

Yeah, she did… in a car that was under surveillance.

“Call every pair of eyes in this city and alert our men. Turn over every damn rock in Palermo until you find her.”

While talking to him I pulled out my phone and dialed my cousin. He answered after two rings.
