Page 5 of Mafia Grace

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“Since when do you know me to ignore my responsibilities?”

“For Grazia? You could ignore the second coming of Christ.”

“I’ve never said I was with her.”

Pietro snorted. He was the only one who knew I kept seeing Grazi and that only happened because the fucker spotted me with her last year.

“Right. How are the Seven Gs? Is it bad that I miss those assholes?” I wasn’t surprised he did. We shared a life with everyone in that family.

“The last time I spoke to one of the Caputo sons was that night at the Apollo club when we almost pulled our guns out.”

“But Grazia? Is she good?”

“Mind your fucking business. Grazia is not your concern.” It didn’t take much to get me angry and usually a man – any man – speaking my girl’s name was enough. Short temper and all that shit.

“She shouldn’t be your concern either. Adrian didn’t sniff you out yet?”

“She’s mine. No one gets a say in that, not even father.”

“Whatever you say.”

Someone whistled in the dark and I turned my head to see the ship captain waving at us. Finally, something to do that would make Pietro keep his mouth shut, or so I hoped. The quiet lasted for about two seconds and then he elbowed me.

“Are you sure this thing is legit?”

“Yeah. The captain is a friend of my father. He’s bringing us this shipment straight from Caucasus.”

“What’s in it?”

“Let’s get on board and see.”

The captain was waiting for us and after exchanging a handful of pleasantries, he made us follow him below deck where he had stashed some big wooden cases.

“Open, please.” He said and handed Pietro a crowbar.

Pietro didn’t lose any time and popped one of the lids open to uncover a huge pile of freshly caught herrings.

“What the hell, man!” Pietro cursed. “I told you it smells like fish. We’re wasting our damn time here.”

The captain put his hand up and showed us a Swiss knife.

“Wait, I show you.” He grabbed one of the fishes and cut it open on the belly, revealing a plastic bag. “Here. Russian stones.”

“Well, well,” I said and opened the bag to find a small diamond. “Where did you get these?”

“Can’t say, but no one is looking for them.”

“How many?”

“There are a hundred fish in that box and there’s three boxes. Some stones are bigger.” Even if they were the size of the one in my hand, we were looking at one million in diamonds, maybe more. “What’s this worth to Adrian?” Captain asked.

I nodded to Pietro and he handed him the bag with money we brought. It was a lot a cash in there, but still a bargain. The captain counted every single euro and when he got to the end, he smiled, pleased.

“Are we good, Cap?” I asked.

“Yes, son. I also have something else, it’s in my cabin.”

“Why isn’t it here?”
