Page 97 of Mafia Grace

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“It’s nothing. I just… I always wanted to be married to you, but I never loved the idea of spending my life with aDon.” He stilled and I waved my hand to dismiss that fear. “It doesn’t matter. I just know what this life means. The secrecy and the police raids, I know their coming. The business in the house is what I hated most, especially when I was little and I could hear some poor guy who missed his payments screaming from our basement. Please don’t do that.”

“I won’t.” He answered right away. “Our house is your kingdom, baby. You’re theDonthere.”


He sighed.

“What now?”

“What about the other things, Salvatore? Will I just sit home and wonder where you are for the rest of my life? I hate that. I need more.”


“You told me you want me to be your queen, so I need you to let me. Don’t keep things from me.”

“Tesoro, if I keep something from you it’s because I don’t want you to worry.”

“I can handle it. My father and brothers never talked to me about their lives and look where we are now. I just want to feel like I’m your partner, that’s all.”

“You are.” He sighed. “Yannis was here because a few days ago we got wind that there’s some movement in Rome. A new General Prosecutor was appointed and they’d probably look into doing some arrests. We’re cleaning the warehouses and keeping it down for a while just to be sure there won’t be any problems.”

My stomach dropped. “Oh, my God.”

“That face you have is exactly why I don’t want you to know about the business. It’s nothing. Themilizia nazionale[45]sweeps through Sicily once in a while, but I know how to handle it. You don’t have to think about that, especially now. The plane will take off in a few minutes.”

“You still haven’t told me where we are going.”

“Because it’s a surprise, woman. Stop nagging.”

“I won’t be able to think about anything else until we arrive.”

“What if I give you something to think about?” Oh, that sounded promising. “What if I put my cock inside you to keep you busy, huh?”

“Big words,Don.”

He picked me up from my chair and threw me over his shoulder without a word, walking to the back of the plane. The same small and cute flight attendant that helped me settle cut him off.

“Mr. Fiori, you should go back to your seat and buckle up.”

“Out of my way, Agatha. I’m going to make love to my wife now.”

I blushed, but I did nothing to try and stop him.


We landed in Paris a few hours later and I was already exhausted. My legs – used to hours and hours of hardcore training – were like jelly under me after Salvatore’s intense love making. So much so, he carried me out of the airport, all the way to the stretched limo waiting for us.

“I could have walked.” I said when Salvatore climbed in the car and placed me in his lap.

“Really?” His half smile was too cocky for his own good. “It looks to me like I’ve fucked all the strength out of you.

“You have a very high opinion of yourself, Fiori.”

“How could I not when my wife just shouted my name from the top of her lungs.”

I laughed and bowed down to kiss him. It was playful and light. Maybe Salvatore was right to arrange a few days away from everything. There was a world of hell waiting for us back in Italy and it would be there when we’d return. We should enjoy this trip.

“Paris, huh?”
