Page 1 of Scandalous Liaison

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When I was a little girl, I’d wanted to be the princess in the perfect pink dress who believed in fairytales. I’d dreamt of a knight in studded glistening armor racing on his giant steed to come rescue me no matter the risk or the cost to his jeweled kingdom. Then I’d learned his armor had been silver plated, tarnishing easily.

When I was in high school, I longed to find the perfect alpha male depicted in every romance novel. Tall, dark, and handsome with broad shoulders and a chiseled jaw prepared to sweep me off my feet into a world of passion. Then as with the fairytales from before, I’d learned that behind every glistening smile and muscular man was a frog instead of a prince.

After college, I’d fallen into a trap of my own making, accepting defeat by marrying a man I didn’t truly love. I hadn’t fully understood the meaning of the word or the concept of unbridled passion. After giving up, I’d given in. Then I’d said ‘no more.’ I was finished with men. I’d promised myself that I would never be lured into a false sense of longing ever again.

Then Kendrick Gregory entered my life like a powerful tropical storm, refusing to take no for an answer or acknowledge that he was the worst kind of man.

A monster.

But even monsters could bleed.

What I’d learned in the whirlwind days of our first meeting was that love wasn’t meant to be kind nor was it easy. It also refused to take a backseat to anything or anyone, no matter how dire the circumstances. He taught me many things, introducing me into his evil darkness, allowing me to crave what only he could offer.

But most important, he’d awakened the woman who’d been forced into steel chains.

Now there was no going back.

I, Suzannah Warrington, was destined to be his possession.




I screeched around the corner, slamming on the brakes and immediately jumping out. My second in command flanked my side almost immediately, yanking his weapon into his hand. There was no need for words and Grayson knew better than to dare try to stop me.

One of the rules of engagement within syndicates was that you didn’t threaten a grieving family on the day of a funeral. You certainly didn’t do it as egregiously as handing the widow of the powerful empire a bouquet of flowers with a threatening note attached.

That was bad protocol, which led to men like me engaging in horrific acts of violence and bloodshed.

And enjoying every moment of it.

I casually removed my weapon, moving in front of my car as the roar of an engine sounded off in the distance. I’d watched my mother shed far too many tears over the last week, weeping uncontrollably until the family doctor was required to sedate her. Then the fucking note, promising the next victim would be her only daughter, my innocent sister.

Over my dead body.

As the sounds grew closer, I lifted my arms, the Glock firmly planted in both hands. I was well aware that the driver of the vehicle had been nothing more than a messenger. He’d been hired by an unknown enemy to put the fear of God into my family. Namely in me. My name had been whispered on the dark web and in the streets of Louisville. There were those who’d known I wouldn’t stand by and allow my father’s death to go unavenged.

They’d goaded me into returning home.

And in taking over my father’s regime.

I had no other choice, my younger brother incapable of handling the family’s extensive business. Especially given we were monsters in suave disguises. That didn’t mean the fucker couldn’t provide information on who was behind my father’s assassination.

When the headlights came into view, I took several long strides toward them, cocking my head and allowing the rage to pull me into complete and utter concentration.

“Remember, Kendrick. We need him alive.”

I didn’t bother answering Grayson. In fact, I was surprised he’d dared talk to me. He knew how I got when I was out of control. And I would dare say this was as out of control as I’d been in the last few years. I couldn’t care less what happened to me, but for my sister to be threatened, my mother destroyed was unacceptable.

I had plans on destroying everything that was important to the person responsible.

The headlights caught our approach, the driver slowing. I continued walking, studying the man’s face in the limited light of the rural area. He’d made the mistake of heading to a winding road that I knew well. I was fairly certain the asshole wasn’t from around here. He should have stayed on the main roads. His bad decision would ultimately cost him his life.
