Page 103 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Hardly. I’m in full and absolute control of the situation.”

“It would seem you need a lesson in who’s the boss. I’m glad I brought the handcuffs with me.”

She laughed in a haughty way, although I could tell she was fully aroused. “That’s never going to happen.”

“It already has. You’re wearing my collar.” I yanked her into a standing position, jerking her against my heated body. The music turned decidedly Spanish, and I couldn’t help myself, allowing a few Latin dance moves to roll through me. She laughed softly.

“If you think that turns me on in any way, you’re sorely wrong.”

“Your body betrays you. The scent of your desire is heavenly tonight.”

Suzannah pressed her hand against my chest, trying to push me away. Then she laughed when I allowed her to do so, backing away from me and grabbing a glass of bubbly as a waiter appeared from the shadows. “In your dreams, fly boy.”

I accepted the offer of a flute of champagne, waiting until the young man left before stalking toward her, eventually pushing her against the iron railing. “You have no idea what my dreams entail, lovely Suzannah. But you’ll soon learn.”

“I’m certain you’ll try. What are you going to do about your father’s death?”

I’d told her about his cancer diagnosis. She’d told me about her father’s heart condition. It would seem our lives correlated in several ways. “Before I leave California, I’ll need to make another stop. You are coming with me.”

“I… We’ll talk about that.”

Even in the darkness, I could see a shadow cross her face. “By the way, your receptionist told me several secrets. Juicy tidbits I might add. Blackmail material actually.”

“Oh, she did? I guess that means I’ll have to dig up some dirt on you. Didn’t you say you had a brother? And Paula is not my receptionist yet. I haven’t determined what I want to do.” Her face clouded over and some of the playfulness disappeared.

I allowed her to walk away from me, facing the railing and staring up at the twinkling stars.

“Patty cares for you very much and wants you happy. She told me you had a dream about the perfect little clapboard house with turquoise shutters, a lovely yard and a swing. I can’t remember if you would prefer two or three dogs and eventually, a passel of kids.”

“What if that were true? Would it bother you?”

I sensed she was fearful of my answer.

“Not in the least. Money suddenly means nothing to me. Things are inanimate objects. Through your eyes, I’ve seen what life can really offer.”

She threw me a look then laughed softly. “If only you meant that.”

“You might be surprised.” When she said nothing, I walked closer, using a single finger to trace the long line of her neck. “You neither want your father’s company nor to enter into the deal we made, at least officially.”

“I honestly don’t know. It all seemed like exactly what I wanted. Revenge tied in a neat little bow. Then I realized through your eyes that life has more to offer. I just need some time to figure out who I really am. A part of me wants to run the very corporation that was denied to me, turning it into something to be proud of.”

“Then do it.”

“Like I said. I just need some time. I copied some pages from the black book and showed him. He was embarrassed yet strangely resigned to owning up to his crimes. It struck me oddly.”

For the first time in my life, it felt like I’d been stabbed in the heart. “That’s because you’re a decent human being.”

“I appreciate that, Kendrick. I’m not the same woman I was when you met me just a week ago. I know that sounds hard to believe. Knowing that someone has been actively out to get my family, yours as well, troubles me greatly. What does that say about the legacies that were built for us?”

Everything had fallen neatly together with my father’s death. Our engagement announcement had added fuel to the fire. The limited knowledge about how I’d react had been used in a way that I found as brilliant as it was conniving, keeping me actively seeking personal revenge instead of paying attention to what was really happening. What the perpetrators hadn’t counted on was the meeting between Suzannah and me as well as our instant connection.

That had put a huge cog into their wheel, preventing them from easily finishing the twisted plan set in motion months before.

“Nothing that can’t be changed,” I told her, although that would be a tall order at this point in our lives. I gripped her chin, lifting her pretty little head. “I care about you, Suzannah. Perhaps more than I can understand and more than you can believe.”

“Do you love me?”

“I adore you.”
