Page 105 of Scandalous Liaison

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Wondering what the future could hold for a bastard like me.


“There’s a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.”

—Sylvester Stallone


There was such a thing as karma. Bad karma to be exact.

That’s what I’d believed my entire life anyway, only I’d been certain that would happen to my father. In a way it had, but perhaps he’d learned before it was too late what was most important.


Or maybe I was the one who’d been given that gift. Whatever the case, I couldn’t allow my family to be railroaded into destruction. That wasn’t what I was made of. It was something I’d realized by being around Kendrick. Those closest to me would call me crazy, including my girlfriends who’d heard me bitching about my family over the years. But if I was crazy, then so be it. To me, it felt like I’d found my center, at least to a point.

I wanted more out of life. I was finished running away from who and what I was. Sadly, what I remained clueless about was whether I could combine my business aspirations with being involved with a dangerous, ruthless man running an empire of his own. Could we combine forces? Maybe. Maybe not. It would all depend on how my father and brother reacted over the course of the next hour or so.

Yep. I wanted the whole thing, including the white picket fence and all. Did that make me a sappy sucker? I would wear it proudly.

As my fingers disengaged from Kendrick’s, I could hear a slight growl erupting from his throat and it sent shivers down my spine. Then I headed for the happy couple who stood arm in arm, although I sensed a tenseness in my brother that was a bit more unusual. I’d learned how to be conniving from the best, my father a master of bravado and sophistication wrapped around a dazzling hint of evil.

I winked at my sister, who had a smug look on her face on purpose. Then I threw a rather stern look in my brother’s direction before squeezing Ashley’s arm, whispering in her ear, “Are you excited about entering into the family?”

“Absolutely. Just imagine the damage we can cause.” Her laughter was perfectly polished. If only it weren’t as fake as her boobs. I noticed Kendrick was actively engaged with Ashley’s father. From what I could tell, their conversation was lively. However, my handsome man constantly searched for my whereabouts.

“Well, you know what they say. Things can often change on a dime.”

Ashley narrowed her eyes, a hint of nervousness sparking her twinkling eyes.


She should be nervous.

I moved toward my sister, giving her a hug.

“Are you certain you want to do this?” she asked. “Is Steinbeck okay?”

“I think he’s relieved,” I told her quietly. “He didn’t like the arrangement any more than I had with the guy Daddy set me up with. I hadn’t realized just how manipulative my father had been with his firstborn and heir to the throne.”

She laughed. “I could have told you that. If you’d listened to me. Are you staying in town, big sister?”

“Yeah, although I need to end my life in Atlanta. That might take a little time.” I couldn’t help myself but to glance toward Kendrick. The look in the man’s eyes was positively thrilling, my pussy throbbing almost immediately. When I gave him a slight nod, he broke off the conversation, slowly headed in my direction.

“Kendrick is the perfect man for you. Strong. Handsome. To coin a sappy phrase, he completes you.”

Serena’s words made me blush. Yes, he did. Then why did I think it in my best interest to nullify the deal? I mean, it wasn’t really legal anyway. There was nothing holding us together except for our scheming plan.

And the most insatiable passion possible.

My mouth was suddenly dry as butterflies swarmed my stomach. Just being near the man made me lightheaded.

“Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family. It’s time to continue with our celebration.” My father was beaming, but at least this time, I knew what was behind the twinkle in his eyes.

Evil thoughts rushed through me as my father ushered everyone into the private dining room. Kendrick took my arm, leading me to the assigned places at our table. As soon as we were seated, two waiters entered the room, filling sparkling flutes with expensive champagne.

My father remained on his feet, giving a short presentation about why we were there. Then he immediately turned the moment over to me. As I rose to my feet, I glanced at Steinbeck, who said something to Ashley before scooting back his chair.
