Page 107 of Scandalous Liaison

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“That means I’m sharing the duties with Steinbeck. We agreed that he’d stay on as CEO.”

“You didn’t consult your business partner.”

“You might have a deal to be the parent company, but the details have yet to be worked out,” I told him, purring afterward. “We are still enemies after all. There will need to be attorneys involved and you know how that goes.”

“Yes, we’ll burn lot of collective funds when we could handle the transaction with a simple handshake.”

Even in the moonlight, I could the glint of mischief in his eyes. “I’m appalled you would think that way.”

We both laughed. Then a moment of tension settled between us.

“How’s your brother? Holding up?” he asked a few minutes later.

“Steinbeck is a strong man, very much like our father. He also had a strong sense of how the business should change. I think he’ll take us in the right direction after Daddy retires.”

“Is this what you want, Suzannah, vice president of operations?”

“I have neither the drive nor the qualifications to run the company in its entirely. Steinbeck was raised, groomed, shaped, and disciplined into the life and in truth, he loves it. I just never took the time to realize how much so. The hospitality end is where I always wanted to be. To that end, I’ve decided I’m going to move into the villa at our little hotel. I love it there.”

“Our villa, huh?”

I turned toward him, brushing my fingers down his cheek. “That’s the way I look at it. A safe haven after you saved my life.”

“What about the house with the white picket fence?”

“Maybe one day. When I get settled.”

His brow furrowed. “I know you need time, Suzannah.” He reached into his jacket, hesitating before pulling something out. Then he backed away from the railing, placing the glass on the table. “However, we have a deal. Up until now, I’d intended for you to honor it. Period.”

“One forged in anger and the need for revenge.” I was shocked that he was still going to try to hold me to it.

“True.” He tapped the folded papers against his other hand. “Very true. There’s no need for that any longer. Is there?”

I was shocked when he ripped the contract in half. “You don’t want us to remain in business together.”

“Not like this.”

There was an edge to his voice I hadn’t expected. “I don’t know what to say.”

“I think you’ve said plenty. Don’t you?”

Oh, my God. Once an asshole, always an asshole. “Does that mean you’d like your ring back?”

“Hell, yes. I spent a lot of money on it. We were just using each other.”

I was so floored I had no idea what to say, shaking when I placed my wine beside his on the table. Then I had to look away, refusing to let him see me teary-eyed. “This was nothing more than a business arrangement to you. Wasn’t it? The passion was just a goddamn perk. You’re right. You used me. My God. I was such an idiot.” I yanked at the ring, shocked my finger was a little swollen. When I finally yanked it off, I threw it at him without thinking that we were several stories in the air.

We both watched in slow motion as it flipped several times, heading for the edge of the terrace.

“Oh, shit,” I hissed and slapped my hand over my mouth.

He reached up like some star baseball player catching a long ball a split second before it turned into a homerun, snatching it in his massive palm. “Oh, shit is right.” Then he pounced on me a split second later, grabbing my left wrist. “Woman, you are a pain in the ass at times. You jump to conclusions. You have a caustic mouth, and you refuse to allow anyone to talk when you’re determined to be right. You need a hard spanking.”

“What are you doing?”

“Taking things into control. Suzannah Lily Warrington, my bratty yet absolutely stunning woman, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Not for business. Not for revenge. But for family and love, honor and respect. Until karma decides that it’s time for us to part?”

I sucked in my breath, snorting at the same time. Then we both laughed even though the tears wouldn’t stop flowing. “No caveats? No codicils in a contract?”
