Page 111 of Scandalous Liaison

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Bringing her home had been another cathartic event, my mother immediately embracing her as if a long-lost daughter.

We would split our time between California and Kentucky in our combined effort of running the businesses. My bride to be would also handle our wineries here in thoroughbred country. Splitting our time would allow us to enjoy two different lifestyles.

It was time to reveal the one in my hometown. “Shush. We’re almost to our destination.”

“There better be refreshments is all I have to say.”

“Maybe but there’s definitely the perfect spot to dole out a round of discipline.” I couldn’t help but tease her. And it felt damn good being able to do so.

I pulled down the long gravel driveway and she moaned from the additional bumps in the road. The girl was more than a handful.

“I will get you for this!” she chimed in, as if I needed a reminder she was a naughty vixen in disguise.

I finally pulled to a perfect stopping place, the view of Taylorsville Lake spectacular this time of day. After cutting the engine, I was surprised she remained quiet and in position. “I have a surprise for you.”

“Uh-huh. Why does that terrify me?”

“We need to work on our trust issues.” I grinned, repeating the same thing she’d said to me. Then I climbed out, lifting the front seat. “You can sit up now and open your eyes.”

She did, giving me a harsh glare. Then something caught her eye as I knew it would, her lovely mouth opening wide. I offered my hand, helping her onto the driveway. When she pressed her hand over her mouth, remaining silent, I was surprised.

I moved behind her, wrapped one arm around her waist. “You don’t like it.”

“What did you do?”

“You mentioned to Paula you wanted a perfect little white house with a turquoise door and shutters. Granted, it’s not that little and I took the liberty of purchasing property with lake access, but it’s as close I could find to what Paula described. Oh, complete with a wraparound front porch and a swing. Which, by the way, will be a perfect setting for all those spankings I’ll need to issue.”

When she said nothing, I tensed. This was unexpected.

“In addition, there’s plenty of room for our little family to grow. Perfect for a puppy or a couple kids.”

She finally pulled away from me, moving to the front porch. I watched as she took the stairs slowly, running her hand on the seat of the swing. She lifted her head and I could see tears streaming down her face. Then like a bolt of lightning, she flew down the stairs, jumping into my arms, her squeal able to light up the entire universe.

“I love you, Kendrick Gregory. You captured my heart.”

As I swung her around in the air, I was able to feel freer than I had my entire life. As if a spell had been broken. As if the darkness had finally faded away.

And in a strange way, I had a feeling my father was looking down on me with pride in his eyes and love in his heart.


There was nothing like the feeling of being at home.

And very much in love.

The End
