Page 20 of Scandalous Liaison

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My father was seen as a pillar of society. If they only knew he enjoyed young girls on the side, gambling with his buddies and partaking in bringing illegal cigars and various liquors into the country, they’d likely burn him at the stake. Not that I would mind.

“A savior,” Trinity breathed.

“A hunk of a hero,” Stella added.

“Sorry. The other guy was the one we thought would be perfect as your fake fiancé.” Morgan shrugged sheepishly.

“You are kidding me?” I gave her a harsh glare.


I lifted my brow, grinning as my first response. My first impression of Mr. Mile High remained intact, but he was growing on me. Maybe all the romance books weren’t completely off base. Dominating alpha males were sexy as hell. I was surprised I’d shared the news of my divorce with him or about the wedding. What he must think of my behavior. Maybe the two of us were far too much alike. The devious plan I’d concocted rushed into the forefront of my mind all over again. Granted, there was a hell of a lot of risk involved but it was obvious the man could handle himself in difficult situations.

“Now, I’m curious. Who was the other sexy guy?” she asked, recovering from my condemnation.

“Just a friendly guy helping me get away from a letch.” I threw a look over my shoulder at the four guys sitting at the table across the way. Unfortunately, they had a bird’s-eye view of where we were partying.

“I don’t know. The first guy didn’t seem too bad,” Trinity cooed. Then she burst into laughter when I glared at her.

“Nope. He was smarmy. You could tell that from over here,” Morgan insisted. “But the other guy… Delicious.”

“Girl. With all the money you make as a stockbroker you can’t find a suitable guy?” I asked Trinity as I licked the rim of my glass, trying to be as casual as possible about scanning the bar for Mr. Mile High. It would seem he’d disappeared into the shadows. But not before I’d noticed he’d changed into something far more intoxicatingly sexy.

He was wearing dark trousers and an open midnight shirt, unbuttoned just far enough I was able to catch a slight glimpse of a fine line of dark chest hair. There was nothing I wanted more than to run my fingers through the coarse hair, maybe even fisting a handful as I rode him like a wild stallion.

Girl. Get your mind out of the gutter.

“Hey. A girl can look. Remember? A night of eye candy,” Trinity said in a lewd tone.

I hadn’t realized I was still licking the rim of my glass until Stella propped her chin with her fisted hand only a couple of inches away, a raw look of amusement on her face.

“You do know that guy,” she accused. “If not, he really wanted to get to know you in the biblical sense.”

“No. As a matter of fact, I didn’t catch his name.” At least that part was true.

“Uh-huh. Why do I get the feeling something happened between you two?” There was a heavy twinkle in Stella’s eyes. “You can always tell by how possessive they are when other men are involved.”

“Don’t mind Miss Stella, aka wild woman,” Morgan intervened. “She’s still reeling from catching a big fish.”

“Who?” I snapped my head in her direction.

“Nick Sex-on-Wheels Campbell.”

“No. Way.” I pressed my hand over my mouth, turning my head slowly to stare at my once wallflower friend. Stella shrugged and batted her face as if overheated. The man was the highest paid, most celebrated actor of our generation. At least according toPeople Magazine.

“A girl can’t tell a lie,” she purred like a wildcat.

“How did that happen?” Trinity was just as flabbergasted.

Stella shook her head and wrinkled her nose.

“She’s fucking him,” Morgan said in a singsong voice.

“Time to talk. How did you do it? I heard he’s the most stuck-up man in Hollywood.”

Stella planted her hand on her hip. “You put your right foot in, you take your right foot out…”

I dropped my fingers into my drink, spritzing her face with alcohol. “I thought we were being honest with each other.”
