Page 34 of Scandalous Liaison

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“I was right about you. You crave pain and domination.” Kendrick quickly replaced his finger with the tip of his cock, pushing in an inch at a time. He was the kind of man who not only took what he wanted but also refused to allow anyone else to touch. It was an innate feeling, an understanding that by being with him I would need to toss aside everything I’d encountered before.

He allowed me to get used to the invasion as well as the wash of instant anguish, the corners of his mouth upturned in a crooked smile, which allowed me to catch a slight glimpse of the dimple in his chin. While he’d shaved, I could still catch a hint of a dark shadow already crossing his strong jaw.

It made him sexy and wild looking, as if the man was incapable of hiding his true predatory persona. Once he was fully seated inside, he took a deep breath then developed a rhythm. I allowed myself to fall into the moment of euphoria as I’d done on the plane. I was no longer the conservative girl I’d pretended to be but the wild child who needed to be sullied by his touch.

Soon, I met every brutal thrust with one of my own, my breathing strangled but not nearly as much as his. His exertion was about holding back, keeping himself from losing control. So I pushed him hard, pressing my palms against the glass and arching my back even more.

“You’re pushing my buttons on purpose,” he muttered.


“You want me to punish you.”

All I could do was smile at that point, the tingling sensations now rocketing through me, heat searing every nerve ending. He cracked his hand on my right ass cheek several times, the force he used pushing me onto my toes. I was so alive that explosive vibrations slammed down my spine, curling my toes.

“You will get what you need, not what you crave,” he muttered then bit down on my shoulder. I could swear he’d broken through the skin, the flash of pain blinding. Then he smacked my bottom three more times before gripping it, digging his fingers in. He rolled onto the balls of his feet, every muscle tensing as he fucked me, driving in slow and even strokes, yet with so much power that I was knocked breathless every time.

Beads of perspiration trickled down both sides of my face and when I moved my head, a few drops slipped across my lips. I lapped them up greedily, tossing my long hair back and forth. When he fisted a handful of strands, I laughed softly. He didn’t want me moving on my own without his permission.

The brutal fucking continued, the man’s stamina unbelievable. Just when I thought for certain he was ready to release, he wrapped his arm around my waist, lifting me from the floor. Then he dumped me onto the bed onto all fours, immediately crawling behind me, planting one foot behind my knee before driving his thick cock back into my asshole.

“Oh, my God.” I was unable to keep from issuing a short scream, the shift in the angle pushing his cock to the deepest recesses. I was lightheaded, focusing next to impossible. Exhaustion was taking over, pushing me to where I could barely think. He rocked our bodies forward, a slight creaking sound forming, floating between us. It matched our animalistic sounds as he fucked me like a crazed animal, once against fisting my hair and using it for a leash.

I clawed at the bed, every sound I made unrecognizable. The perspiration continued and a crazy thought entered my mind, something my mother had told me a long time ago. Why it stuck in my mind now was beyond me.

“Good girls don’t sweat when they fuck.”

Obviously, I wasn’t a good girl. Perhaps I’d never been. The thought brought a smile to my face as he growled his sentiments, his hunger off the charts. I pushed hard against him, bucking wildly, the throbbing of his cock increasing. Then without any additional warning, his entire body tensed, every thrust more brutal than the one before.

Then he issued a single deep roar that had to be heard from inside other rooms as he erupted deep inside.




The thought of waking up next to a complete stranger who’d fucked me like a whore had seemed deliciously naughty the night before, but when I’d opened my eyes at almost four in the morning, the scent of sex hanging heavily in the air after several rounds of what could only be described as an absolute fall from grace, I’d left him still sleeping. Then I’d taken the stairs down the two flights to my floor, saying a silent prayer when I hadn’t run into anyone on my long walk of shame back to my room.

My phone had blown up, all three girls leaving me several messages. Two were staying in the hotel, only Morgan remaining in the Bay area. However, I’d known as soon as the sun was up, she’d make contact, asking me if I completed my task.

Oh, I’d completed it alright, pushing every sensible boundary.

I was ready to step into the shower, erasing all traces of the wild night of passion. I’d laid in bed for thirty minutes wrangling with what to do about the wedding event, finally realizing I wasn’t the world’s best actress, even if taking a date was in my best interest. I yanked my hair into a ponytail, glaring at myself in the bathroom mirror.

Then I pointed my index finger. “You look like you are freshly fucked.” A giggle formed on my lips and the moment I inhaled, I was able to gather a scent of him. My lover. Mr. Mile High. Another group of sensations coursed through me, and I finally rolled my eyes. I was acting like an enchanted schoolgirl. How ridiculous of me.

My devious plan remained in my mind but I hadn’t been able to close the deal. Hell, I hadn’t been able to broach it.

When my phone rang, I didn’t bother looking at the screen, answering it so I wouldn’t continue to hear it ring. I had a hangover alright, only sadly it had nothing to do with copious glasses of alcohol, which was all that had been planned.

“I’m fine, Morgan. I’m a big girl and can handle a little sexy night out on the town. Or rather under the sheets. You don’t need to berate me. Yes, I had a fabulous time and no, he wasn’t a gentleman in the least. Thank God for that. He was dirty and filthy, sexy and ravenous, and took everything he wanted and I’d love to do it again. And no, I’ve decided not to ask him to be my fake fiancé. I’m not that kind of girl. Well, okay, so the jury is out. Imagine my father’s face if I walked in with a poster boy for wanton filth. I had no idea how to ask him for that kind of favor.‘Hey, sexy dude. I need one hot, horny, and wealthy fiancé so I can fool my family. Your arrogance is perfect, by the way.’” I laughed then shook my head. “He’d laugh in my face. The man likes inflicting pain. Well, I mean by way of doling out spankings. Don’t you dare chastise me. It was the moment and God, the man is passionate and incredible in bed. Anyway, first, I need to find out who he is. He wasn’t straightforward with his last name, which has me suspicious. Maybe he’s an ax murderer.”

I took a deep breath, playing back what little he’d said to me. Granted, we’d had other, more sordid things on our minds. A few seconds ticked by, and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. A lump formed in my throat, the hand holding the phone shaking. I hadn’t been this stupid. It just wasn’t possible Kendrick had heard what I’d said. Then I realized we hadn’t exchanged phone numbers. That made the possibilities even worse.

Oh, dear God, no. Had my father called again? My brother? Oh, shit, my mother. That would explain the silence.

“Morgan. Talk to me. Oh, please talk to me. Did I answer all your questions?” I stuck my hand in the shower, flipping the lever. When I still didn’t hear a sound, I thought for certain the connection had been broken.
