Page 37 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Isn’t that enough?”

The closer he came, the more nervous I became, trying my best to keep some semblance of rational within my system. “Not two million dollars or stock in my father’s company?”

“Given I have no clue who your father is and that I am wealthy by anyone’s standards, neither one of those appeal to me.” He rubbed his jaw. “However, if you insist on adding a codicil or two then you will wear the ring we select together and one that I pay for.”

“What? You do realize that this would be a fake relationship. A fake engagement that we will break off spectacularly after the horrid event has concluded.”

“A pity but yes, I’m completely aware. After we’ve concluded our business, you can hock the item or choose to keep it. That’s entirely up to you. Oh, and we will be affectionate in public. None of that never touching garbage I see so often. I will require you by my side at all times. In turn, your family will believe our love is rock solid. Is that clear?” His eyes continued to sparkle, which meant he was goading me. “I assure you that I’m an extremely good actor if that’s what you’re worried about.”

What I was worried about was making a fool of myself. Again. And again. Still, all the delicious what ifs crowded the back of my mind. Why the hell not?

“O-kay. Then I have some conditions of my own.”

He took a deep breath, allowing his gaze to fall to my bare feet. “Of course you do. And they are?”

“You will spend the next two days with me so we can get to know each other. My father will see through a ruse in a heartbeat. That can’t happen. You will allow me time to speak to my father on a business issue without your presence. It’s the reason I agreed to go to this blasphemous event in the first place.” I could tell he was mulling it over.

“Done. Now, I’m the curious one. Why is this so important to you? What level of business are you interested in? Is it because of the fact you’ve never gotten along with your brother or your father or that they see a woman as a weak link?”

“Be careful reading into my family. Remember, we bite. However, your assumptions are correct, Kendrick. Sadly, the truth is much greater than simply one-upping my brother’s spectacular event.”

When he closed the distance, I was almost overwhelmed with desire, which couldn’t be any worse at this point. “And what is it,prekrasna kvitka?”

“I want what belongs to me. Half my father’s multibillion-dollar company. Yes, I have a trust fund, although I’ve used the money sparingly up to this point. I prefer to make my own way, but my father refuses to allow my involvement, unless you consider being a glorified secretary a proper position for the princess of the esteemed family.”

He opened his eyes wide then smiled. “We have many things in common, sweet Suzannah. More than you are aware. Perhaps I should have requested a few million dollars. For charity of course.”

“Hmmm… Of course. Because you are such adecentman. Too late now. Do we have a deal?” I purposely backed away, holding out my hand for the simple gesture of a handshake to seal the deal.

The dimple on his chin was more evident in the sunlight, a sinfully delicious attribute that would be difficult to take my eyes off. He grasped my hand, shaking vigorously as he would do with any male opponent. “You have yourself a deal, beautiful fiancée. I look forward to your full and complete surrender. Which by the way, starts now.”

With that, he slipped his finger into the sash of my robe, easily able to untie it, pushing the dense material over my shoulders before I had a chance to stop him. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist, jerking me against his heated body.

“Time to take a shower. Remember our deal, my bride to be. You belong to me. And if you’re a disobedient little girl, I’ll have no issue punishing you even if it’s in front of your family. Is that understood?”

Was he really looking for an answer? When he rolled his hands down my back, cupping my buttocks then lifting me into his arms, I was easily able to answer my own question.

“Yes. Sir.”




The little vixen had thought me possibly a serial killer and wasn’t far off the mark. The fact I’d told her I was a killer continued to surprise me but what had astounded me was that she hadn’t batted an eye when I’d confessed my sins.

I stood staring out the window of my suite into the bright sky, sipping on a single glass of scotch. I was to meet my fiancée in fifteen minutes, enjoying a lovely dinner over a conversation that would allow us to get to know each other even better. I’d left her alone for a couple of hours, handling certain aspects of business that had required my immediate attention.

We’d exchanged surnames and I’d immediately noticed her eyelids had flickered. However, she’d regained a rather blank look on her face. Then I’d seen her smile. She was either feeling even more empowered or had done a deep dive into my background and had suddenly realized the game we were playing could be very dangerous.

I expected no less from a woman who’d insisted on having her attorney draw up a quick contract, which was due to arrive prior to us leaving the city in the morning. I had suspicions that once she found out anything about my background that she would attempt to flee, but she also might find comfort in the fact that her fake fiancé was considered a criminal higher on the food chain than her father.

She wasn’t a criminal element, which meant she’d have guilt by now.

Perhaps it would be beneficial if I helped her understand that the money used on sending her through college wasn’t exactly obtained from legal methods. No. She was far too intelligent to have ignored that aspect about her father. What I found the most fascinating was that for all her edginess, she was a little fawn deep inside, vulnerable yet determined. That was far too enticing.

Somehow, I had a feeling our fascinating relationship would suddenly become tumultuous. I couldn’t wait, given the sex would be that much hotter.
