Page 46 of Scandalous Liaison

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I almost nodded. What. The. Fuck?

He resumed the spanking, cracking the belt against my backside at least six more times in rapid succession. Then he backed away, exhaling deeply. “I think that will do for now.”

I remained in shock but managed to pull down my dress. Then I slowly turned in his direction.

“When you least expect it, Kendrick, I will put a knife in your gut, twisting and lifting upwards. Make no mistake. I will come out the victor of this game.”

“Perhaps this isn’t a game after all, my sweet and beautiful flower. But even so, you will never be the victor. But I will so love seeing you try.”




The man had actually acted as if he had the right to turn me over his knee anywhere, at any time.

And he’d done it as if proving the ugly fact would make me compliant. Fuck him. If he dared try again, I wouldn’t hesitate to break his fingers or worse. At least the thought provided a smile as well as a series of tingles.

My bottom ached, the heat continuing every time I moved. Oh, God. Had the wretched spanking really happened?

“Remember. You’re required to behave,” Kendrick said before nuzzling into my neck, his heated breath creating a series of tingling sensations. “At all times.”

Was the asshole laughing at my expense?

“Yes, or I’ll be spanked like a bad girl, perhaps even shackled to the chair.” I purred an answer, shifting gears in our game of thrones. He had no idea what I was capable of.

Keep telling yourself that and maybe you’ll believe it.

“You are beginning to understand. By the way. You’re exquisite when you moan in pain and pleasure.”

“Be careful, boy toy. You never know when I’ll strike back.”

“As I said before. I’ll be looking forward to witnessing you try.”

As we walked onto the exterior deck of the restaurant, the view of the bay took my breath away. Kendrick kept his hand on the small of my back, pushing me gently toward a table overlooking the water. There were a few tables close, but it would seem he’d called ahead, making certain we weren’t interrupted. Perhaps he thought my volatile behavior would continue. Granted, I had attempted to escape by almost managing to jump out at a traffic light. I was surprised the man hadn’t attempted to spank me in the parking lot all over again given his reaction from before.

“Do you come here often?” I asked when the hostess placed menus on the table, walking away after bidding us a good dinner.

“I’ve enjoyed their food on a few occasions. I do travel, sweet Suzannah.”

“Your family is considering expanding into California?”

“Overtures have been made by certain investors. It’s now my job to consider whether it will be profitable or not.”

“That means you will be direct competition.”

He grinned. “Somehow, I have a feeling both you and your family can handle a little friendly competition. Don’t you?”

“Of course. Very impressive,” I said as I was seated facing the water. Kendrick pushed in my chair, taking his time walking to his own. I couldn’t help but notice he scanned the entire deck prior to sitting down. I didn’t blame him. It was apparent his family had a target on their backs, his father’s murder still making headlines in Kentucky and the entire Midwest.

“The restaurant or the fact I’ve been lucky enough in my profession to travel to several incredible destinations?”

“Both, but more pointedly your attempt at seduction, which isn’t necessary. You seem to have gotten what you wanted. Although I do admit that the Lamborghini Miura was a nice touch. Rental?”

“Actually, I purchased the car when I arrived.”

“Do you plan on driving all the way to Kentucky in an older convertible?” I had to admit, the ride over had been more enjoyable than I’d experienced in long time, even if my hair was likely ruined. I even laughed briefly at the thought as I ran my fingers through the tangled mess.
