Page 53 of Scandalous Liaison

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“It’s called a brain freeze when you eat something icy too quick. You need to savor your treat. Take your time licking the ice cream, not chomping down on it.”

On purpose, I dragged my tongue up from the bottom, closing my eyes once I did. “You mean like that?”


“Just like licking the pussy of a tempting woman.” When I looked up, she’d cocked her head, giving me a harsh look.

“You are incorrigible.”

Another laugh pushed to the surface. “That’s not what I’m usually called.”

“Hmmm… I can only imagine.” She backed away a few feet, this time taking slow steps toward the railing overlooking the water.

I moved behind her at first, admiring the view before easing beside her. We returned to silence, enjoying the treat. I could see the streetcars in the distance, the treks heading to and from Fisherman’s Wharf. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d jumped on a streetcar, even though I’d been to San Francisco at least a half dozen times.

“One of the few memories of my father I had that was positive was the day he’d brought me here. I don’t know why, other than he had a meeting with someone. My guess is that I was a prop he used, protection or perhaps as a way of showing the Feds that he wasn’t doing anything illegal. Why would you dare bring your seven-year-old daughter into a dangerous situation. Right?” She glanced at me, her tone returning to the bitterness I’d heard before.

“I’m sorry.”

“It was a long time ago and as I said, it was a good memory. He got me ice cream right here. There was a small carnival going on in the parking lot. He allowed me to ride a few rides and even won me a teddy bear. That wasn’t like my father. Then we rode a streetcar for the first time. I was so scared, terrified actually. But my father was my hero that day, keeping his big arm wrapped around me while explaining the sights. After just a couple minutes, I was no longer terrified.” She licked the ice cream several times, finally taking a bite of the cone itself.

She had a way of making everything she did look tempting. I found myself enjoying the ice cream, something I couldn’t remember enjoying before.

“Anyway. It was one of those silly memories I kept in the forefront of my mind for years. It’s funny though. I haven’t thought about it in a long time. A long time.”

“Family obligations have a way of dredging up memories, often unwanted ones.”

“True.” She continued watching the streetcars come and go, a strange look on her face. She was the one who dumped the last few bites of her cone into the trash first. I took a few more bites, realizing she was watching me once again. After tossing the remnants, I nodded toward the exit. “We should get back. I’m certain you want to get an early start in the morning.”

“At least we can get settled.”

“Then you agree to my terms,” I stated. It wasn’t a question. She would do what I wanted.

“Was there ever really a choice?”

“No, there wasn’t.”

She smiled and we walked off the platform to the sidewalk, heading toward the parking lot.

As we both heard the rumble of one of the last streetcars for the day, an idea popped into my mind. “Come with me,” I told her.

“Where now? To purchase those handcuffs?” she teased as she tipped her head. The anger from before was gone, a hint of the real woman shining through. She’d enjoyed herself, although I doubted that she’d admit it.

“What if I told you I already had a pair inside my suitcase. Would that surprise you?”

She tugged hair from her face, half laughing. “To be honest with you, nothing about you would ever surprise me.”

“I’m not certain I take that as a compliment.”

“You should. I’m just doling them out with ease tonight.”

I took her hand, leading her to one of the streetcars.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Why not end the night with a little sightseeing?” I dragged her with me, lifting her onto the moving car, shocked to see there was no one else on it. “Go find a seat in the back while I pay for our ride.”

“What do you have up your sleeve?”
