Page 56 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Sin has the devil for its father, shame for its companion, and death for its wages.”

—Thomas J. Watson


Words of sin and shame.

I’d thought of little else since we’d left the hotel, still tingling from the rough rounds of sex and the promises he’d made. Marriage. Could I endure marriage to someone like Kendrick when our alliance would be considered shameful at best? I bit my lower lip as images of his naked body rushed into my mind. I hadn’t paid attention to the scars on his back before, finally tracing them with my finger as he lay snoozing.

Had they been caused by acts of sin, the man punished because of them? He’d awakened in the middle of my egregious act, immediately wrapping his muscular fingers around my throat. For a few seconds, it seemed he hadn’t recognized me, determined to squeeze the life out of me. Then he’d grinned as I’d seen him do so many times, issuing a sexy warning.

I slipped my hand around my throat, shuddering as I’d done several times since our departure.

What was it about his determination to ruin my father that continued to intrigue me? My father had once told me that fear had a distinct scent, rancid and disgusting. So did power. It wasn’t that it smelled of money but there was a freshness to it, as if opening a bottle of the finest red wine. Kendrick was power.

Then again, so was I.

Would our relationship have a fairytale ending? At this point, I’d given up on the thought. I stole a look in his direction and as soon as I did, I tingled all over. What neither one of us wanted to admit, at least to the other, was that our intense connection had more to do with our desire for the other, not merely revenge. I pressed my hand against my lips, remembering the last kiss, one so passionate that I’d almost melted into him. That’s what I’d always wanted. God. What was I thinking?

The afternoon sun beat down on the convertible, but the ride was glorious.

We’d gotten a late start.

Very late.

We’d enjoyed spending the morning together. I’d laughed the moment Kendrick had pulled out the handcuffs, showing me that he was deadly serious about shackling me to the bed if necessary. I’d almost tested him, racing toward the door. Then I realized I wanted to spend the night curled up next to him.

What did that make me? Oh, yes. A very bad girl indeed.

The truth was that I’d sold my soul to the devil.

No, the truth is that you like it.

Maybe I’d allowed him to borrow it for an extended period of time. Him. The man I’d enjoyed spending an evening with. The man I’d come close to exposing my soul to.

Ice cream. A streetcar. I had no idea what had changed within the man, but the alteration in his demeanor had been enthralling. Or maybe I’d forgotten I’d planned on closing myself off from him and his methods of seduction.

Whatever the case, the closer we came to Napa Valley, the antsier I became, but a part of me was looking forward to seeing the faces of my family. The deal we’d made together was still nagging at the back of my mind, but it had already gone too far to consider backing out now.

My phone had almost blown up with the number of phone calls I’d received. My mother. My brother. My sister. I’d lost count of how many times they’d called. And I’d ignored all of them. They didn’t need to hear the play by play regarding the trip.

When he pulled the car into the parking lot of Padis Jewelry, I turned my head. “What are you doing?”

“Picking up a little something extra. Come on. I know our timing is short.” He winked at me, immediately opening the door and climbing out. As he always did, he scanned the area, ensuring we hadn’t been followed. How many times had he glanced into the rearview mirror? Enough for me to realize his life was dangerous. Now, my life was as well.

He wore a smirk on his face as he waited for me to exit the vehicle. Then he guided me inside the lovely yet quaint establishment. As soon as we’d entered through the doors, an older man headed for him, his hand extended.

“Carlos,” Kendrick said, obvious admiration in his tone.

“My dear Kendrick. It’s been a long time, far too long. I was shocked but so pleased at getting your call and made the exact arrangements you requested.” The well-dressed man gripped Kendrick’s hands then pulled him into a bear hug. It was obvious to see how much the older man cared about my new fiancé. When the jeweler pulled away, there were tears in his eyes. “I am so sorry to hear about your father. He was such a great man, a good friend. I apologize for not making the funeral. I had certain… issues to deal with.”

Carlos made the sign of the cross, both men communicating without saying words. There was more between them than the fact Kendrick’s father had been a preferred customer. My instinct told me that.

“I am still reeling from his death,” Kendrick said.

“Yes, I can imagine,” Carlos said gruffly. “Please give your mother my best. She must be suffering greatly.” He turned his head in my direction, giving me a pleasant smile but there was a level of darkness behind his deep chocolate eyes that indicated danger as well as significant power.

A slight shiver coursing down my spine, I glanced at Kendrick. I should have known he’d planned something else after his collar and leash comment the night before. However, this meeting was about something other than jewelry. There were aspects of Kendrick’s life that I would likely never learn. Perhaps I didn’t want to.
