Page 62 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Your father has done very well for himself,” Kendrick said from the driver’s seat. “This is a stunning location.” He slowed down as he drove along the long, aggregate entrance, both sides lined with flowering trees and shrubs.

“Yes, this is a favorite location of mine. Before I was tossed aside, I was able to put some of my love and suggestions into the renovation.”

“You’re a very talented woman.”

I leaned my head against the headrest, glancing at him through my dark sunglasses, taking a whiff of the scent of warm yeast coming from the bakery attached to the facility. “A piece of advice. Take it or leave it. Don’t allow my father or his minions to fool you. That includes my brother. His wealth is measured in whatever achievements others have made. In other words. He’ll never be happy with being a simple billionaire. That’s why he’ll remain in the gray areas for as long as he’s allowed.”

“I’m not fooled easily, my sweet.”

“No, I suppose you’re not. Is money everything to you?”

“I used to think so.”

“But not any longer?”

He rubbed his finger across his lips and sighed. “No.”

“Lucky you.”

I heard the bitter sound of my laughter and sighed. The day was picture perfect, the breeze light, the flowers in full bloom, and the fountain positioned on the cobblestone pavement of the lobby more spectacular than I remembered. The place had an air of Spanish elegance, as if shipped from Madrid stone by stone.

Every aspect of the masonry had been reappointed, columns and pillars ornate yet bold in design. I’d adored this place from the moment my father had shown his family what he’d managed to purchase, beating dozens of others participating in the foreclosure auction.

“Such bitterness for such a festive event.” He chuckled and I smacked his leg playfully. When he grabbed my hand, placing it on his thick, throbbing cock, I had the same reaction I’d had a half dozen times.

My core was set on fire.

“It’s not bitterness, honey bunny. Just an understanding that drinking will be necessary. That’s something for you to keep in mind as well.”

“Just be careful, snookums. You will want to keep your faculties about you.”

As soon as he pulled up to the valet parking, I yanked off my sunglasses. “And why is that? Am I required to supply you with information? That wasn’t part of the deal, my sexy fiancé. You’re perfectly capable of forming your own conclusions.”

“This about nothing more than helping you out of a tough time.” He handed the keys to the valet as well as a hundred-dollar bill and I shook my head.

“You certainly do make an impression wherever you go.”

Kendrick took my arm, guiding me through the lobby doors. He stopped us both from walking any further into the interior after we were just inside. “While I might take what I want, I was taught to give back in return.”

“I wonder who taught you that?”

“The most powerful man I’ve ever met.”

“Carlos,” I whispered, pulling away from his hold and glancing into his eyes. As he peered down at me, I involuntarily touched the collar. “Your world is full of surprises.”

There was something entirely different about the expression he wore. Still dark. Still unnerving. Yet his possessive nature was stronger than ever. He swaggered closer, fingering both sides of the jeweled piece. “Remember what I told you about asking questions you might not want the answers to. Carlos is a good friend to the family. He’s also the best jeweler around, his days of delving into violence over with. Check in, my sweet fiancée. I have a phone call to make.”

“Of course you do. I do wonder what Carlos told you about my father. That is what he was doing. Right? I’m certain whatever it was will serve as ammunition.”

The amusement in his eyes was evident, the slight curling on his lips genuine. “You are very much a force to be reckoned with. Carlos had nice things to say about your father. By the way, later I will thoroughly enjoy breaking you down to your most base level where every sensation, every emotion, and every desire will become explosive.”

“I’m not certain if I should be excited or terrified.”

“Perhaps a little of both.” His laugh followed me as I headed to the front desk. The man had a way of unnerving the hell out of me.

“Can I help you?” the young girl asked.

“Yes. I’m checking in.” I pulled out my wallet, sliding my driver’s license over the counter. Then I shifted, glancing over my shoulder. Kendrick was already on his phone, but every few seconds he darted a look in my direction as if I was a little bird locked inside a perfect gold cage.
