Page 66 of Scandalous Liaison

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To a cad.

To a heartless man.

To the one I was terrified of falling in love with.



“The soldiers are in position,” Grayson told me. “In case you need backup for tonight. I don’t mind telling you I don’t like the fact you’re at this party. You’re a sitting duck.”

“You suddenly underestimate me. I know what I’m doing.”

“You always say that, bossman. One day you’re going to get yourself killed. Did you forget you and your family were threatened?”

That was inevitable, a part of my job and an understanding I’d had since I was young. The fact I’d told my companion about the threats was yet another surprise. However, it seemed to help her trust me if only a little bit. “Never to be forgotten, Grayson. Have you discovered any connection with the Diego Cartel?” I’d had him searching for a definitive connection between Rutherford Warrington and Don Diego. It was always better to make certain of betrayal before issuing the final blow. I’d heard of syndicates being picked apart, destroyed in bloody wars when prudence wasn’t used.

“Nothing. You know Diego’s reputation. I’d be shocked if he used someone else to do his biddings other than his trained soldiers. What I can tell you is that he hasn’t left Colombia in a long time. Almost two years.”

The man was getting older. He’d been shot several times and I’d heard he’d developed cancer given his heavy tobacco usage, but men who suffered losses the way he had never forgot or forgave the incident. It was only a matter of time before he struck like a viper. “Yes, I know the man well. Including what he’s capable of. Keep searching. Make certain my family is well protected.”

“Stop worrying. I have everything under control,” Grayson said with disdain in his voice. The man didn’t appreciate being challenged any more than I did. That’s what made us somewhat compatible. I almost laughed at the thought. He tolerated me at best because I paid him well to do so.

I stood outside the vehicle, surveying the location of what was being called an engagement party. From what I’d been able to determine, the relationship between Ashley Winslow and Steinbeck Warrington had been considered a whirlwind romance. In our line of work, that meant it had either been arranged or Steinbeck had been ordered to find a suitable bride. It certainly didn’t hurt that she’d come from a very well-to-do family, one considered some of the early settlers in the west. The family owned several huge ranches, considered multimillionaires. And her father happened to be running for governor.

My lovely bride to be watched me intently from the car. She had a smug look on her face, as if realizing whatever business I was handling would affect her family. The time spent sparring with her had been far too enjoyable. The evening would prove to be interesting.

The winery was larger than the one attached to the hotel, yet still quaint. Her father had hired plenty of security, but that didn’t mean my soldiers couldn’t take a position that would allow them immediate access if necessary. “How long until you arrive?”

“Two hours give or take. We hit turbulence.”

Turbulence. The word shifted a few delicious images into my mind.

“Then we’ll meet in the morning. It’s possible I’ll have a favor to handle for an old friend later this evening. That means put pressure on our contacts. I need quality information about whether or not someone was hired by him or is working with him.”

“For Carlos. I’m not a miracle worker, Kendrick. I suggest you allow me to go with you at minimum. Maybe I can gain more information than you can.”

His methods of exacting answers were almost as brutal as mine.

There was something unsettling about the fact he knew more about my business and my past than anyone else, including my younger brother. “I’ll consider it. Send me a text when you’ve landed. But you know I pay my debts. My reputation is everything.”

“Understood. I’ll see what I can do. Are you really considering going into business with the Warringtons?”

“Anything is possible at this point.”

“And what about the Feds? We’re not one hundred percent that what Harold Wymer provided won’t be enough for indictments.”

“If they’d had anything worthwhile, they would have arrested me by now or frozen our accounts.”

Grayson sighed. “What about the new agent snooping around?”

“Anything else on Suzannah?”

While I hated that I wasn’t certain whether I could trust her, the fact I had feelings for her only complicated things. Feelings. My need to possess her had quickly turned into something else that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

That meant suddenly I had a weakness. In the game of Russian roulette we were playing, showcasing I had any emotion with regard to her wasn’t acceptable.

“Everything about her life checks out with perfect lettering. She was highly respected, humiliated yet crawled up from the muck to reclaim her career even stronger than before. However, she didn’t need to leave the city when she did. She had other job offers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, even Seattle. She really wanted to get away from her family.”
