Page 68 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Do you really think they’d tell me anything? No, but why?”

“Her father is running for the Senate. I find that curious timing.”

A smile crossed her face. “Then I’ll do a little snooping of my own.”

“Just be very careful, my darling snookums. Your brother and father will be watching everything you do.”

“You truly don’t understand how powerful I just might end up being.” She laughed and gave me a sensual look, one that would drive a stake through most men.

“Now, you have me curious. It would seem you’ve been holding out on me. You had plans of your own.”

She offered a sly smile, one that could drive a man to madness. “Of course I had plans. I’ve simply been waiting for the right time. And I had to know if I could trust you.”

“Your decision?”

“Well, I won’t rule out a required prenup, but it would seem you and I are cut from the same cloth.”

It was easy to laugh when I was near her. I backed her against the exterior of the building, inhaling the scent of her delicious perfume. “Be careful playing with fire. At least that’s what my second in command continues to tell me.”

The fact Grayson had hopped on a flight, determined to help me with the cause, meant word on the street was getting dicey. And not only with regard to the Feds. That wouldn’t bode well for regular business, which I also couldn’t ignore. At least I could count on Marcus to keep things running until my return. Given what was at stake, Grayson’s assistance might prove to be necessary. There was a nagging that troubled me, as if I wasn’t seeing the bigger picture. Why did I have a feeling I was in the middle of a vicious game? My instinct told me that things were about to get very messy. The woman had me more than curious. What did she have as a possible hold over her father’s head?

“A second in command. I’ll be eager to meet my competition.” Her grin was infectious.

“I assure you that when we complete our business, combining our operations, you’ll be my equal.”

“Uh-huh. As long as I bow to your commands in the bedroom.”

“Now, you understand. I suggest you confess your sins and what you’ve been hiding from me given you will be punished later. It’ll go easier if you tell me everything.”

She laughed and adjusted the lapel on my jacket, daring to drag her tongue across her lips.

“That won’t work, little vixen. If you have something on your father, I need to know. We are a team.”

“Yes, but I still want to be the one to drop the bomb.”

“This is sounding more devious than I thought.” I slipped my hand under her dress, grasping her bottom until she moaned. “Talk to me.”

“I’ll let you in on a little secret. I know my father better than anyone gives me credit for. Bend him. Break him. However, he’s much more powerful than you realize because he employs dozens of people to do his biddings. He also uses blackmail extensively. People fear what he can do. The only reason he’ll care about our involvement is because he can’t hide details about your family or control the decisions you make. In turn, he’ll be terrified that I’ll initiate a scandal that will allow all his enemies free rein at the bloody feast. Or… He can give me my thirty-three percent of the business.”

“Only thirty-three?”

“Until his retirement, which will be in six months. My terms,” she cooed.

She was more of a shark than I realized. My hunger only continued to increase.

“Clever, but how do you intend on toppling your father off his pedestal?”

“It’s simple, really, a tactic I’m certain you know well. I might just have a little black book of my own. Only mine has documentation that can ruin him within twenty-four hours.”

“Well. You are industrious. You did hold out on me.”

“My father didn’t raise a fool. And as I said before. It’s all about trust. That must be earned.”

The woman knew how to play hardball. It would seem I’d underestimated her.

“Why now? You wanted out of your family’s life. You were the one who left to find a better life for yourself.”

Suzannah took a deep breath, glancing away from me. I noticed the look of pain in her eyes even in the gathering darkness. “My father wanted to marry me off to what I assume was the highest bidder. I have no doubt what my worth is. I’m old enough I can fight for myself, but my younger sister is another story. She’ll do what my father says. I don’t want that for her. Serena is far too young and innocent.”
