Page 7 of Scandalous Liaison

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How long had it been since I’d been back to Napa? Not long enough. At least in my mind. The expensive pearls hanging around my neck were one of the few gifts from Christian I hadn’t tossed out the window, but the necklace also represented his sanctimonious attempt to buy me off while he was fucking everything wearing a skirt. The fact they’d put him back by ninety-two thousand dollars remained a priceless gift. In truth, they’d also become my worry beads, which was what I was using them for at the moment. I fiddled with them, rubbing my fingers across the dazzling iridescent pearls harvested from the South Seas, fearful I’d rip them from around my neck.

I could just see myself crawling on my hands and knees trying to collect them. Bad karma existed in my world. Christ. I was a worrywart. My thoughts drifted briefly to the conversation I planned on having with my father. Who was I kidding? The threat I planned on making, which was long overdue. The thought of ruining my father held a very special place in my heart.

There was no love lost between us. In fact, I wasn’t entirely certain my father had ever loved me.Stop wallowing in bullshit. Time to claim what belongs to you.My inner voice was almost never wrong. What she continued to remind me of was the truth. I deserved a portion of the Warrington Empire besides the trust fund established when I was a child. I could take satisfaction in the fact that if I was successful, I’d rock my father’s entire world. However, I had to be very careful about how I played the damning information I’d collected.

At least patience was one of my virtues.

I continued scanning for updates on my family’s activities, a prickling sense of heat crowding into my system.

That’s when I became aware Mr. Asshole was leaning over for a second time, attempting to find out what I was so intently looking at. Then he lowered his gaze to my nervous habit, which forced me to slide my hand away.

“Do you mind?” I snapped, immediately turning off the iPad.

“I’m always curious what romance novel of choice a beautiful woman is intent on reading. Let me venture a guess. Your genre selection is a big, bad boy alpha wolf. Or perhaps a hockey romance. No, that doesn’t suit you. Maybe a cowboy? Women do need to fantasize.” He laughed, obviously enjoying himself.

“Just a quick trade on one of my multiple stocks I own. However, you are correct. Given the men in the real world have dicks the size of peanuts, every girl needs a fantasy man who satisfy her needs.”

“Ouch. Touché again. You are full of one-liners. I bet you’re particularly fun at parties.”

Uh-huh. He had no idea how close I was to popping him in the jaw. Rolling my eyes, I did my best to ignore him. When he leaned over even further, I issued a slight growl.

“If you’re going to get that close, it would be helpful if you’d grab a mint.” I slowly turned my head, and I could tell I’d amused him. Fortunately, the intercom system went on and it was announced we were ready for takeoff.

Mr. Dangerous Asshole lifted his glass, giving me a heated look. I did the same. Then I finished my champagne and took a deep breath. This was the part I hated the most.

“The lady is a true viper,” he mused.

“You have no idea.”

“Perhaps I’d enjoy finding out.”

Was the man flirting with me? Oh, my God. He was. “No, I doubt you would. Now, if you don’t want to get hurt, I suggest you back off, buddy.” Zero to sixty to zero again. Could I believe anything he had to say?

“I do love a challenge.”

This time, all I could do was roll my eyes.

The flight attendant collected our drinks as well as everyone else’s in first class, returning to the back. I took a deep breath, saying a silent prayer everything would be okay.

Then I threw him a hateful look as the pilot rolled the plane down the tarmac. After he chuckled, I took a deep breath, trying to keep from tossing my cookies. That would be the ultimate embarrassment. Especially in front of jerk boy. That wasn’t going to happen.

I had a feeling he’d detected my discomfort, whistling as he made himself more comfortable. Fuck him. Fuck all men like him.

Five minutes later, we lifted off and the grip I had on the armrest was so tight, I likely punctured the leather. It was difficult to breathe, the raging rumble of fear tearing through me like wildfire.

First class.

With the amount of traveling I’d done over the years, I had more points that the CEO of my PR firm. I could bypass the rest of the passengers, spend time in the most gorgeous airline lounges pre-flight. I had my options of when I flew and was treated like royalty wherever I went. I should enjoy the perks especially with overseas travel, including the free champagne and meals comparable to any five-star restaurant in the world. Sadly, I did my best to hide a nasty little secret from everyone.

I hated flying.

Every. Single. Aspect.

Especially the turbulence.

I managed to calm my breathing, seconds turning into minutes. Then a sudden jolt had me yelp. “Fuck!”

“It’s okay,” he said.
