Page 70 of Scandalous Liaison

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That’s why walking into down a stunning pathway studded with twinkling lights and a trellis covered in vines and roses while photographers snapped one picture after another didn’t bother me in the least. My lineage would be the fodder for a few days, my identity difficult to pin down. Either a member of her family would comment on who I was, or it would be a little secret providing me with days to perfect my plan.

Our plan.



Our plan indeed.

“Just remember that you need to behave,” I whispered in her ear before swiping my finger across her choker.

“You take all the fun out of lording something over my father.”

“Oh, myprekrasna kvitka, you’ll get your chance. I assure you.”

She would and I’d enjoy watching.

“Your grandmother must have been a hoot.”

I had to laugh. “She was a spitfire, much like you are.”

“Something I’ll keep in mind,” Suzannah cooed.

No matter her practiced bravado, I sensed Suzannah was nervous, yet her smile was as practiced as mine. She’d chosen a stunning dress, the material appearing iridescent in the dim lighting. It also went perfectly with the choker I’d purchased. I couldn’t help but notice she continued to finger the piece as we walked.

“Mrs. Caffrey. Where is your husband?”

“Mrs. Caffrey. Is it true that you’re a recent divorcee?”

“Mrs. Caffrey. Who are you currently dating?”

The questions came fast and furious, the click-click of high-powered cameras annoying as fuck, but she was an old pro at avoiding them while giving the reporters asking the most pointed questions a death stare. I admired her even more, especially when she stopped, spinning on her stilettos, waving for the cameras with her left hand. Then she dared to slide her index finger under my jaw and across the seam of my mouth for effect.

I couldn’t help but smirk as the surprised looks on the reporters’ faces turned to ones of predatory hunger. They would have swarmed the facility had the hired bouncers not been there to prevent them from doing so.

Once we were guided inside, I pulled her into a shadowed corner, pressing the palm of my hand against the small of her back. As I pulled her into the heat of my body, she gingerly pressed her hand against my chest.

“You are one naughty girl,” I told her.

“Too much or not enough?” Her laugh was lilting yet fake. I knew every sound she made, every purr of passion and desire. Even now, my cock ached to fill her tight little pussy.

“Perfect. For now.” I slipped my finger under her chin. “Just remember, my darling fiancée, that you do belong to me. If I see you flirting with another man, I will ensure that won’t happen again.”

“Why do I have the feeling the method you’d do so won’t be temporary?” She rose onto her tiptoes, darting her tongue around my lips.

I sensed a presence and wrapped my hand around the back of her neck, my hold possessive as I French kissed her, sweeping my tongue inside.

“Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Suzannah. Don’t you know there are photographers here?”

While I didn’t recognize the voice, I had a feeling it belonged to her older brother. I’d never officially talked with Steinbeck, had only heard his voice once in my life. I didn’t bother responding initially, allowing our moment of passion to continue. When I did lift my head, I ensured he knew I was pissed at the interruption.

When his eyes opened wide, I realized he hadn’t believed she was sleeping with the enemy. I’d also been right that a phone call had been made to the family almost immediately.

“Isn’t Ashley looking for you, brother? You’ll need to learn that leaving your bride alone prior to her wedding isn’t the best idea,” Suzannah asked without bothering to look in his direction.

Steinbeck glared at me. In his hand was a drink, but it was obvious he’d already consumed more than one. “The ink is barely dry on your divorce papers, and you’ve already attached yourself to another man. How gauche of you, sister of mine. And a criminal, no less. At least you had the decency with Christian to select a law-abiding citizen.”

There was no real recognition, but I sensed he’d been told his sister was arriving with someone to watch out for.
