Page 73 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Then you obviously don’t know your brother very well,” Ashley quipped, her eyes opening wide as she slapped her hand across her mouth. “I’m sorry. That was so rude of me.”

“That wasn’t rude, Ashley. I don’t know Steinbeck very well. We were never close as kids and certainly aren’t now.”

She squeezed my hand. “He told me about your estranged relationship. In truth, I think your brother regrets everything that happened between you. The arguments, the nasty words. He wants you to be a part of the business, to share in the extensive workload.”

I was taken aback, throwing Serena a look; she shrugged. “My brother told you that?”

“He did. We do talk, you know. I’m not just pretty arm candy, as my father has insisted is all I’m capable of becoming. I have my sights set on bigger things. My own business, for example.” The slight haughtiness in her tone surprised the hell out of me, even if her gaze continued to follow my brother’s whereabouts.

“Well, I’m uncertain what I want to do at this point. Plus, I have a job I adore in Atlanta.”

“But your family is here. Well, most of your new family. The Gregorys are out of Kentucky. Right?” She batted her long eyelashes, and I lifted my eyebrows in response.

“Yes, they are. You know them.” Now I was more curious than ever. Perhaps the alliance between the two families had been the beginning of a very nefarious plan. What angered me was that Ashley had been dumped in the middle. Why was my inner girl already nagging me that something was off kilter?

“I know of them.” There was a strange look of fear that crossed her face. “Just be careful.”

“Why the warning?”

“Because my brother was shot a long time ago. Supposedly, my father was the target. He saved my father’s life, thank God.”

I glanced at Serena who shrugged her shoulders again.

“Whoa. Is your brother okay?”

She laughed. “He’s right over there. He’s going to be the president of the United States one day.”

“Wow. This is a lot to take in.”

“I’m so sorry,” Ashley said quickly. “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Please. Do tell,” I said in retort, trying to disguise the irritation in my voice.

“Well,” she said as she scooted closer as if preparing to provide the latest town gossip. I learned a long time ago that families in Napa held several dark secrets behind closed doors. That was due to wealth and greed. She even lowered her voice, as if worried she’d be heard over the lively music. “Daddy told me a year or so ago that Mr. Gregory hired his own son to try and kill him. I guess he’s some bigwig assassin, nicknamed the Blade. Can you believe that? Anyway, they weren’t able to prove it.”

“I assure you that Kendrick isn’t this Blade person or an assassin. While I know you want to place blame on someone for your brother’s injury, my fiancé isn’t your man. He’s just a powerful businessman with some incredible ideas. You never know. He might want to fund your business.”

Now my sister rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, I wondered why her father had mentioned the story to her. Unless Steinbeck was filling her pretty little head with nonsense to keep her in line. Whatever the case, a game was being played.

“Anyway, I have a favor to ask, and I know it would mean so much to Steinbeck.” Ashley certainly wasn’t upset about her brother’s accusations or the fact I was likely marrying the man responsible. She’d been raised to be the perfect wife, a Stepford wife. I shuddered from the thought.

“What’s the favor?” I took a sip of wine, hoping the liquor would help me get through the rest of the evening. At this point, I wasn’t certain I could tolerate all the family love.

“Would you consider being my maid of honor? I wanted to ask you sooner, but I waited to see if you were coming to the wedding at all.”

The gulp of wine flew from my mouth, hitting her square in the chin, staining her way-too-white frilly dress. “I am so sorry.”

“Oh. Oh… It’s okay. Really. It’s just a dress. Please just say yes. Okay? Please?”

My God, the girl was beside herself with anxiety.

“Um. Sure. Yes. Let me get you cleaned up.”

“No. That’s fine. I’ll do it. Nothing a little soda water won’t fix. Thank you. I told Steinbeck I could count on you. I know the dress I selected will fit you perfectly. Yes it was presumptuous of me but I had plans on begging you so I could make Steiny happy. By the way. It was his suggestion.”

Steiny? Talk about bad pet names. Snookums seemed better and better.

Ashley scampered off before I could say anything. However, my hackles were raised. When I glanced in Steinbeck’s direction, Serena followed my gaze.
