Page 76 of Scandalous Liaison

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“Yes,” he hissed. He still had a look of surprise on his face, as if shocked I’d accuse him of threatening my family or killing my father.

“Good. I’m glad we understand each other. As I was saying, I have one condition that will not be fucked with. Serena will not be entering into a marriage contract with anyone not of her choosing.”

“Why would you care?” He was genuinely confused.

“Because of what you did to Suzannah years ago. Have I made myself clear?”

“Yes,” he snarled. “But this ballgame isn’t over yet.”

“Oh, yes, it is. I’m now in control of the ball.” I backed away, giving him a polite nod while I wanted to shove my fist down his throat.

“Why are you doing this? You don’t love my daughter. You yourself said you have more money than God. And I didn’t kill your father.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Your daughter has become the light of my life.” As soon as I said the words, the conviction in them shocked the hell out of me. It did him as well, his eyes opening wide.

“Perhaps your daddy didn’t tell you, but we respected each other. At least we did at one time. I knew him pretty well. Your father would be proud of you, son. You’re just like him.”

I wasn’t certain if he was being condescending or truthful. It didn’t matter.

I laughed. “Leave my father out of this. Just make no mistake. Warrington Industries will be pulled under my corporate veil. Of course, you will continue making a yearly salary, remaining the spokesman of the organization for as long as my lovely bride determines it to be viable. However, if you dare attempt to threaten anyone in my family again, I will destroy you. And I assure you that I have the perfect weapon to do so.”

“What exactly is that?”

I polished off the scotch, slamming the tumbler down on the table. I gave him a lurid grin before heading to the door. Then I stopped, took a deep breath, and turned to face him once again. “Your daughter, Mr. Warrington. It would seem she’d made it her life’s mission to destroy you. I just happened to come along at the right time to pick up the pieces.”

“You fucking bastard. You’re threatening me on my daughter’s behalf?”

“Just like you did at the funeral of my father, which was tasteless I might add. I know it was you. I feel it in my blood.”

“You’re wrong and in your blindness, my daughter will be the one hurt out of all of this.”

I wanted to remind him that his actions made it apparent he couldn’t care less, but I decided it was time to move on. I headed toward the closed door, placing my hand on the knob. Then I gave him one last thoughtful look. “Don’t think you can fuck with either one of us, Rutherford. My soldiers are waiting in the shadows for a single word or shot fired. They will eradicate your family if necessary. Oh, and I don’t threaten. That’s not my style. I make promises I always keep. That’s something you should learn about me. Now, I’ll let you get back to your festivities. Just one more thing, you’re going to announce our engagement to your fan club. Tonight. Anything less and the deal I just made with you will be off the table. Do you understand?”

“You won’t get away with this.”

“You underestimate me. But you’ll learn. Yes, you’ll learn.”

“You’re right to accuse me of many of the deeds you mentioned, but I didn’t have your father killed. However, whoever did won’t stop with their plan of destroying what your father built.”

His words were disturbing on several levels. However, I walked out, keeping a smile on my face. He’d been sufficiently warned. Whether he would heed my threat was something else entirely. However, what continued to nag at the back of my mind was the true surprise in his eyes. Either he was a consummate actor, or he had no knowledge of my father’s murder.

There was something strange going on. Whoever had coined the phrase ‘truth would set you free’ was right. If I acted without full understanding of what was going on, then I could see the family empire imploding. Let alone what it would do to my cohort in crime. Or was it in fact finding?

As soon as I entered the main room, I searched for the woman I adored. It was strange to be feeling that way, especially here. I walked further inside, pushing my way through the crowd of at least two hundred. When I didn’t see her, my muscles stiffened. I’d fucking left her alone. Would her damn brother try to harm her in the middle of his engagement party?

People were dancing, the band in full swing. Others stood enjoying lively conversations, drinking expensive champagne and eating ridiculously luxurious food while so many in the state went hungry. The notion was just as strange as the fact I was unsettled without Suzannah by my side.

I continued my search, anger building to an unprecedented level. I was about to reach for my weapon when a flash caught my eye.

There she was, standing outside on the deck, peering up at the full moon. For a few seconds, I basked in doing nothing more than watching her, mesmerized by her beauty. I’d never felt so strongly about anyone before and it continued to catch me off guard.

I walked closer, ignoring the three men who decided to try to engage me in conversation.

“Mr. Gregory. My God, you really are alive.”

“Mr. Gregory. I’d like to talk to you about an investment opportunity.”

“Not now, gentlemen,” I managed to say. When I was within a few feet of the terrace door, I stopped again. I’d never really taken an appropriate amount of time to study her insanely gorgeous physique. I’d thought of her as beautiful in the beginning, but she was so much more. For all our sparring, our initial hatred, the spark had been there from the minute I’d walked onto that goddamn airplane, kicking myself that I hadn’t brought the jet.
