Page 78 of Scandalous Liaison

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But not before noticing a different level of anxiety. The look was brief but definitely in place.

“Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to one of the Warrington Wineries. Thank you so much for attending such a wonderful family celebration.”

The crowd cheered, dozens of people lifting their glasses. I was taller than most of the people in the room, allowing me to see over their heads. Steinbeck was as smug as before, but he was antsy, checking his watch every few seconds. What was he waiting for, the event to be over with?

“Tonight, we are celebrating the engagement of my son, Steinbeck, and his beautiful fiancée, Ashley Winslow.”

Ashley squealed.

The guests clapped again, some whooping and hollering.

When Rutherford gestured toward Steinbeck, I couldn’t help but notice a moment of bad blood between them. Perhaps his son wasn’t enthused about the required marriage arrangement after all. Suzannah seemed to sense it too.

“He doesn’t love her,” she half whispered.

“Does that surprise you?”

“Not in the least, especially if dear old Dad set them up. I’d forgotten how close my father was with Senator Winslow.”

“Very interesting.”

Rutherford went on with a speech about their relationship and how lucky they were to find each other. That allowed me to study people in the room. What I hadn’t paid any attention to before was that there were definitely a number of hired guns posing as guests. They continually observed what everyone was doing. What were they searching for? Or were they simply hired security?

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Your father is a very cautious man.”

“Not really. If you mean the bouncers at the front entrance, I’ll venture a guess they were hired by Steinbeck. What’s wrong?”

“We’ll be leaving soon.”

“Eager to fulfill your promise?”

“Always. I might have a few things to handle first.”

“Such as?”

I glanced in her direction. “Don’t ask if you don’t want to know the brutal truth.”

She traced the slight scar on my cheek that few people had paid attention to. “Someday you’ll need to share with me why Carlos gave you all those scars and what you did to earn them.”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Because they helped shape you. Your wants. Your desires. The way you handle business.”

“As with aspects of my business. Be careful what you’re asking for. The truth won’t set you free.”

“Who says I want to be freed?” She lifted her gaze, locking her eyes onto mine. For a few seconds, there was no one else in the room. “Just be nice. Being a good listener can go a long way in solving issues, including those of the heart. Choose life over death when possible. Revenge will never heal the demons inside. Besides, I can tell you’re a good man inside. No matter what you’ve told me.”

“Spoken like a true warrior but I didn’t lie to you. I’m a very bad man.” Her words were profoundly cathartic.

“Spoken like someone who doesn’t want to lose her soulmate so soon after finding him. And I don’t buy it for a second. The way you looked at my brother for insulting me indicated underneath all that bravado is a man I could fall in love with.”

“Is that what you want?”


Sadly, she’d end up being sorely disappointed.
