Page 80 of Scandalous Liaison

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“You’re really going through with the wedding? The acquisition?”

“You already asked me that, Grayson. My final answer. Yes, I am.” Especially since I had the feeling Mr. Warrington had been genuine with me. Now my instincts were on high alert, but there were still too many shattered pieces to put everything together.

“And I thought I knew every scheme in your playbook.”

I chuckled as I slapped a new magazine into my weapon. While I’d been asked to make it painful, I wasn’t in the mood to take but so much time. However, I’d task Grayson to handle the cleanup, which would entail a lengthy follow-up to my visit, allowing me to return to my cozy bed. I also remained concerned that Carlos had needed a favor now. Something didn’t smell right. I would keep on my toes.

Who would have thought that I’d enjoy the thought of waking up next to someone after all this time? “Perhaps you don’t know me well at all.”

“I found a source that I’ve yet to check but one who might know something about what’s going on with the Warrington family.”

“Where is this person?”

“In Napa. And he might have a connection to Raphael Diego. That’s the part I’m uncertain about.”

“That’s enough to have a conversation.”

“That’s what I thought. I’ll arrange it.”

“Good. Now, let’s get this handled. I have better things to do.”

He laughed and slapped in a fresh magazine as well. “Yeah, I guess you do. Is this going to be a huge wedding?”

All I could do was grin. “Whatever my bride to be wants, she gets.”

“What are you going to do with this guy?”

“It’s simple. I’m going to let him know he fucked up verbally. If he cooperates then perhaps I’ll allow him to live.”

“Wow. The woman is rubbing off on you already. I’m not certain what to make of that.”

We both watched from the shadows as the door opened, a suitcase brought out to the car sitting in the driveway. The man had figured out his life was in danger. I had no idea of his name, which was what I preferred. There was no reason to make this personal. Fortunately, Carlos had only provided an address. I liked it better that way. From where I stood, I couldn’t make out anything about him. But there was no doubt he was attempting to flee.

When he went back inside, leaving the trunk open, I couldn’t help but sigh, remembering what Suzannah had said. This was nothing but a job, a favor owed a man I cared for deeply. “She has a way about her that allowed sunshine into my overcast life.”

“Sunshine? Really?”

“Really. However, she’s also someone I will tame.”

“That’s the man I know and respect. And if talking to this guy doesn’t work?”

“Then I’ll help him understand what to expect from the master of creative arts.”

“I do love my job,” Grayson said far too enthusiastically.

We moved across the street, ensuring no one was paying attention. Although there were no houses in close proximity, that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be traffic on the road. I headed straight to the house. The front door was open, the storm door unlocked. As I approached the entrance, I noticed a very nice interior complete with a leather couch. But there was no sign of the target.

I pulled my weapon into my hand. It was entirely possible we’d been made. The door was silent, no sound coming from the hinges. Once inside, Grayson shifted toward one side of the house while I took the other. We’d done this before, our routines almost always the same.

I headed down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Only one door stood open, sound coming from the interior. With stealth-like steps, I moved closer, still standing in the shadows. The target was filling another bag, tossing items from the mirrorless dresser into the suitcase on the floor. I was easily able to advance, pointing the barrel of my weapon at the back of his head.

He bristled, taking a gasping breath as he rose to his full height, lifting his arms in surrender. “Please don’t kill me.” The man’s voice was strained.

I wanted to laugh. “You should have thought about that before you stole money from him.”

“I knew he’d send you. I knew he would.”

Fuck. I recognized the voice. When he turned around, it was the first time I didn’t like being an assassin. He smiled the same goddamn smile he had at the jewelry story when he’d congratulated me. “Reno. What the hell is going on?” The fact Carlos wanted me to kill his only remaining son was something that could trip me up. I shouldn’t care. In fact, I shouldn’t give a damn. But I did. “You stole from your father?”
