Page 84 of Scandalous Liaison

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I only hoped her joy and hope for the future wasn’t crushed as soon as she said her ‘I do’s. That would be grounds to knock my brother out of the ballpark. I grinned as the thought tickled the front of my mind. Yeah, I was a tough girl alright.

The breeze was slightly chilly, fueling the goosebumps, the draw of the heated pool irresistible. Things had certainly turned out much differently than I thought they would.

I eased down on the edge, tugging my dress up to my thighs then plopping my legs into the water. Instantly, I was at ease, leaning back and planting one hand on the cool tile while I stared up at the sky. A few seconds later I laughed, wishing with all my heart and soul that Kendrick was here sitting beside me. There was a bright shooting star, something I’d only seen twice in my life.

It was a sign. I believed in them just like I did in astrological signs.

After all I was a Leo, a lioness with sharp canines and claws.

I was finally relaxed yet it was impossible not to think about my father’s announcement. The news had spread like wildfire. When we’d left, reporters had reappeared, more excited to grill the two of us than they’d been about Steinbeck and Ashley’s impending nuptials.

I guess our union was considered the marriage of the decade, an alliance that resembled Camelot. Who knew? I chuckled at the thought, kicking my foot out. The water was warm and inviting. Maybe I’d indulge myself and take a quick swim.

What had surprised me was that dear ole Daddy hadn’t seemed that pissed at being forced to announce we were getting married. In fact, he almost had a look of pride. Or maybe it was smugness, a new plan set in motion to derail his enemy. I wouldn’t put anything past my father. Ever.

Steinbeck had been conciliatory, even congratulating us with a smile on his face. One that told me in no uncertain terms he’d sold his soul, but at least it had made for excellent photographs since a reporter had managed to sneak inside the facility. I could only imagine how many newspapers and internet sites we’d turn up on tomorrow.

I laughed softly, wondering what my boss would think.

Especially when I sent him my two-week notice.

Mmm… I was turning into one devilish girl. Or maybe I’d always been and it had taken a man like Kendrick to bring it out of me.

I took another gulp of wine, lifting the glass toward the stars in a silent yet gleeful toast. I was poised to get everything I’d wanted. Now I just had to figure out what I wanted to do with it. For me, it had never been about the money. But I couldn’t say I wouldn’t mind basking in the glory of opulence. I’d be lying if I tried.


The slight sound came from over the stone wall, but it sounded close enough that I instantly froze. The feeling of being watched returned, my heart instantly racing.

While I had to remind myself that one of the small parking lots was close enough it could be someone returning to their room, dropping something on the pavement, my instinct told me otherwise.


The second sound came from behind me. I was fairly certain of it.

A lump formed in my throat, my pulse moving to overdrive. I glanced over my shoulder, realizing that I hadn’t left a single light on inside the room. Wait a minute. I’d taken my shoes off, dropped my purse on the dresser. It hadn’t been in the dark. Neither had the long kiss I’d shared with Kendrick.

Had I flipped off the lamp before coming outside?

As I searched my brain, I removed my feet from the water, awkwardly trying to rise to my feet making as little sound as possible. There was nothing but ominous shadows coming from inside the room. However, I refused to panic. I’d locked the door myself. That I was certain of.

I placed the wine on the table, taking a few extra seconds to ensure the stem of the wine goblet didn’t scrape the glass surface. Then I backed away from view of the French doors, chastising myself for not accepting the weapon my cohort in crime had offered.

I’d shot a weapon a few times in my life, but it had been years. I’d told him I hated guns, which was the truth. Now? I would give anything to have one of them in my hand. Where had I left my phone? In my purse. How many feet away was that?

Far enough I’d need to cross through the living room portion to get there. What if someone was inside? What then? Well, I couldn’t jump over the wall and race into the parking lot. I had no other choice.

I took a few deep breaths then headed toward the blackness, reminding myself there was a lamp on the table just inside the set of doors. I stepped foot across the threshold, allowing my eyes to become accustomed to the darkness. Then I reached for the lamp, almost knocking the damn thing over.

After grabbing the base, I slid my hand up to the switch, flicking it.

Nothing happened.

What the hell? Hadn’t this light been on before? I couldn’t remember. Whatever the case, this wasn’t good. At all. I shifted closer to the table, scanning the room. It was impossible to see anything but shadowed lumps in front of me. I stopped and did nothing but listen.


There was sound coming from at least twenty feet away. A single bead of perspiration trickled down from my forehead. The best thing to do was to get to the door and head into the hallway.
