Page 86 of Scandalous Liaison

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The intruder slowly fell to his knees, landing on my legs. I let off another high-pitched yell, fighting to get the man’s weight off me. Oh, my God. He wasn’t dead. He wrapped his hand around my leg, keeping me pinned down.

There was another strange moment of slow motion and a slight flash as he lifted his weapon again, pointing it at me.

I heard an intense growl and the man’s head was ripped back, a muzzle flash allowing me to smile, even if blood and brain matter were splattered all over me. Someone had saved my life.

Gasping for air, I slumped onto the floor, completely winded and utterly terrified.

Yet the first name I called out was the man I was crazy enough to fall in love with.

“Kendrick! Oh, God. Kendrick.”

“Fuck. Fuck. I’m right here, baby. Right here.”

Suddenly, I was scooped up into strong arms and I didn’t need a single light to tell me who’d been my savior, my hero. “You’re here. How? I thought you were dead. I thought…”

“No one is allowed to touch you, baby. No one. I’m right here.”

Another guy rushed into the room, gasping for air. I could easily tell he’d been shot, fighting to breathe. “Mr. Gregory. I’m fucking sorry,” the man panted, his voice filled with pain.

“What’s happening?” I asked as I pressed my hand against Kendrick’s chest. “The power’s out. They cut the power. I tried to get out. I tried to fight but the asshole was so strong.”

“Shush. You’re okay,prekrasna kvitka. I’m not going to let you go and trust me, I’m going to find out who did this.” He turned his head toward the guy who worked for him, his tone of voice much darker. “Make certain the two assholes are dead. Call in reinforcements. We need a cleanup crew stat, a second to surround the property. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. The dude came out of nowhere. He hit me from behind, stole my weapon.”

“Just get the goddamn electricity on.” He didn’t wait for the man to answer, moving through the room and into the bathroom. From here, moonlight streamed in through the oversized window, allowing me to see the man I… loved. As he eased me onto the counter, I could see the snarl on his face. “Are you hurt?”

“I ache all over but I’m okay. Am I covered in blood? Oh, God.”

“I don’t think so. But Iwillcheck you thoroughly. Every. Single. Inch. Over and over again.”

Just the sound of his voice made me shiver all the way to my core. He had a way of yanking away the fear, but I knew whoever was out to get us wasn’t finished. “How did you know I was in danger?”

He planted his hands on either side of me. “The moment I got out of the car, I knew you were in trouble. I sensed it. I felt it. You’ve become a part of me, Suzannah.”

“How is that possible?”

As he lifted his hand, rubbing his fingers across my face, I shuddered from his touch. “Because for some crazy reason, lady, you’ve become the air I breathe, a need so intense that I can’t live without being close to you. You snapped a photograph of what’s left of my soul and refused to let it go. Now, you’re reaching for my heart.”

How was it possible that this brutal man could actually sound as if he was falling in love with me. Me? The quirky girl with the nasty mouth. I adored him, so much so I spread my legs wide open, ignoring the muscle aches and the fact my head was pounding. I slipped my arm around his shoulder, tangling my fingers in his hair. Having him this close made me feel safe.

“This isn’t over. Is it?”

“Not yet, my beautiful woman. But it will be.”

“Please tell me you didn’t kill anyone.”

He laughed softly and pressed his forehead against mine. “Because of you, I saved two lives tonight, a father and his son.”

“What?” I couldn’t think straight, my pulse still racing.

“I’ll explain later. You have a powerful influence over me, lady. I’m not certain I like that or if it’s good for business.”

He’d always had a way of making me laugh. Today was no exception.

Even after what I’d been through.

“I thought I was dead.” Saying the words out loud made me realize that playing a deadly game was going to fulfill the prophecy I’d had.
