Page 93 of Scandalous Liaison

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“That’s what I thought. It’s possible they were dropped off.”

Which was what I suspected. I rose from where I was crouched, backing him up by several feet. “When you’re on a job for me, you will never take your eyes off the ball again. Do you understand?”

He swallowed hard. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. The asshole slipped out of the shadows. There wasn’t a car arriving or any sound up to that point. I’d just walked the area surrounding the courtyard. I don’t know where they came from.”

Sadly, I had a feeling they’d been sitting in the room prior to our arrival. Either that or they’d headed here after we’d left the reception. “Understood. Get your wound checked out, Mark. I don’t want it infected.”

“I’m fine, sir.”

“Do it.”

He tried to smile and nodded. “I’ll let you know if I find anything suspicious.”

“You do that.” I walked toward the other fallen assailant, staring down at him.

“What do you want me to do with them?” another soldier asked as he shook his head.

I glanced at Butch. He was one of my most trusted men, a former soldier who knew his way around intelligence systems. “Take their fingerprints. Run them through the databases. I need to know who they are. If I had to guess, I’d say they’re independent.”

“That might take some time.”

“I don’t care. You have the suite. I’m getting another room for the night.”

“Then me and my team will get to work. The bodies?”

“Torch them. I don’t want any evidence they were here. And before I hunt the person who betrayed the woman I care about, I need to know how they fucking got in. If they used a key, it’s somewhere.”

“They didn’t use a key.” Butch handed me what looked like a black credit card with no numbers. However, I recognized it easily as I’d used it in my repertoire in days gone past.

“A universal key card. I thought most establishments had a scrambler to prevent that.”

Butch chuckled. “Only the ones with the higher level of security and the newer hotel chains. This isn’t one of them.”

Although the facility had recently been renovated, they hadn’t upgraded security. I was surprised. Maybe Rutherford had gotten careless in his old age. “At least that answers one question. Don’t let our contacts fail you. You know what to do.”

“You taught me well, boss. You’ll have something by in the morning.”


I glanced at the bathroom door and rubbed my jaw. We’d have one more night of peace before all hell broke loose.

But within twenty-four hours, this would be over.

Then I’d be in charge of what I’d heard called the new Camelot. I couldn’t help but grin.

With a beautiful queen by my side. What could be better? My grandmother had been right in all her prophecies and recommendations to the kid who’d been disobedient every chance he got.

One of the last things she’d said to me had been the most confounding, and something I’d laughed at, refusing to believe.

Now it was the one I knew I would live by.

“Koly vy znaydete te, shcho dlya vas nayvazhlyvishe, vy zrushyte nebo i zemlyu, shchob zberehty tse v bezpetsi, navit' yakshcho tse koshtuvatyme vam zhyttya.”

When you find what’s most important to you, you’ll move heaven and earth to keep it safe, even if it costs you your life.

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