Page 96 of Scandalous Liaison

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“You know, the love bug potion.”

“Oh, for the love of God.” I scanned the street as we neared the diner.

“I think it’s great you found someone. I’ve been telling you that’s what you needed for years. Granted, I didn’t think you’d listen to a damn thing I had to say, especially since you’re making one of the biggest deals of your life. Did you see the front page of theLA Timesthis morning?”

“Not interested.”

“Well, your dad would be proud of you. You’re set to inherit the control of a huge empire. Coupled with the one your father left you and you’ll be one of the richest men in the world.”

“What if that’s not something I give a shit about?” I wasn’t asking him for an answer, but it was something I’d thought about since she’d said she wasn’t certain she cared about it any longer. The thing was I had no intention of letting her go.

“Then I’d say you found the right girl.”

His answer wasn’t necessarily one I’d expected to hear. Grayson was a man who thrived on the thought of power and money. I’d never heard him talk about his immediate family or his younger years. It was as if they didn’t exist to him. Meanwhile, my entire life had been family centric, much like Suzannah’s had been. We were truly cut from the same cloth, only she’d endured being treated like a second class citizen. The fact she’d acquired and kept a level of decency was something I respected, although it had made her an easy target.

That’s why she was determined to prove that she could do everything better than her father. Admirable but not what she really wanted. I’d seen that the night before.

“Who is this asshole again?” I asked, peering through the window of the diner.

“His name is Spencer Abbott. He used to work for Rutherford Warrington.”

“A disgruntled employee?”

“He got a better offer. That’s all I know. Let’s just say his current business works in the darker areas than when he was with the Warrington family.”

I noticed a lone man sitting in the last booth. “Good to know.”

“By the way. I heard the shit Reno said about Diego being dead. I checked. There’s no information one way or the other.”

“Well, that doesn’t surprise me given he has no heirs. If he is dead, his top soldiers are trying to hold together the empire until they steal whatever they can from it. It may not be important.”

“If you say so, boss.”

“Let’s get this over with. I need solid information on who the hell is behind this. Last night crossed a line. Someone wants me dead.”

“That’s nothing new.” Grayson laughed and followed me inside.

The diner was busy, but the ambient noise would hide a portion of our conversation. The man seemed antsy as we approached, immediately jerking to his feet. I waved him off and we all sat down.

“Mr. Abbott. I understand you used to work for the Warrington family.”

“Yes, sir. I did. Since the time I was a kid. In his stables. Moved up to being what you would call his concierge.” He laughed, his gaze constantly shifting to the diner’s entrance. He was worried about being seen.

“Who do you work for now?”

“He prefers not to have his name tossed out in public. Let’s just say it’s a longtime rival of Mr. Warrington’s.”

“Okay.” I’d let that go for now. Whether or not it was of any importance would depend on the rest of the conversation. “You were told I’m seeking information on the person ordering the assassination of my father. Correct?”

“Yes, sir.” Spencer was nervous, barely able to look me in the eye.

“What do you know?” Grayson jumped in. “Tell him what you told me.”

“It wasn’t done for business. That’s what I heard.”

His words weren’t necessarily what I’d expected, or maybe what I’d hoped for. “A personal vendetta?”
