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Aaron was on it immediately.

“She can rest in Atlanta,” he snarled, blue eyes flaring. “Atlanta is better than here.”

But then I cut in.

“She hasn’t been resting anyways,” came my bitten off accusation. “You’ve been having a good time.”

“Of course,” exclaimed Nick. “We’ve been walking around Central Park, visiting Sheep’s Meadow before grabbing a bite to eat at that sports bar in the Empire State Building. What’s it called again sweetheart?”

Joanie looked like she was about to faint.

“Heartland Brewery,” she managed, face white, voice trembling like a leaf. “Heartland.”

“Yeah,” grunted Nick. “Not a moment to sit down, we’ve been seeing the sights like a bunch of tourists.”

Now this was really getting to me. Because that obviously wasn’t the truth.

“You’ve been fucking,” I bit out, eyes hard. “Don’t try to deny it.”

But the billionaire was really a piece of work. Because he shook his head, blue eyes narrowing.

“Naw,” he denied. “We’ve been walking about town all day, seeing the sights. Where the hell would we fuck? Central Park? The Empire State? Please asshole.”

But we know a well-fucked girl when we see one, and my twin rasped then, eyes blazing.

“Take it off,” he said to the female. “Take it off and show us.”

“What?” Joanie cried, cheeks flushing. “What do you mean?”

“Take off your sweat pants honey. I have no idea why the fuck this fucker didn’t get you better clothes but get naked, baby, and let us see. That’ll tell us whether you were fucked or not.”

For sure, she had been. It was clear as day what with her glowing skin and sparkling eyes.

But now, that bright-eyed look was gone. Instead, Joanie was paralyzed with shock.

“Wh-what?” she stammered. “Here?”

Nick jerked his head.

“Into the apartment,” he rasped. “There are cameras in the hallway.”

And we filed in, three massive, hulking forms, one sweet female between us.

But there was a point to be made.

“Get naked,” Aaron commanded Joanie again. “Get naked and let us see.”

Nick tried to intervene once more.

“Yo, you guys are overreacting. Seriously, get some perspective. Joanie and I went around Central Park, seeing the sights. Calm down assholes.”

And that did it. I was so fucking tired of his bullshit. We were on our time right now. Joanie was supposed to be in Atlanta at this very moment, and instead we were arguing like a bunch of toddlers.

So I did it.

I reached over and yanked those sweatpants down her legs.

The cotton was soft and plush, dropping immediately to pool around her ankles.
