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Heart thumping, my feet propelled me forwards. There was only one apartment on the top floor, and that belonged to the billionaire. So why did he have a pretty blonde visitor at ten in the morning? She couldn’t have been visiting anyone else.

Creeping towards the front door, I paused, pressing my ear to the wood.

It wasn’t necessary.

Every word was clear as a bell.

“Ripe,” drawled one male voice. “Luscious for sure.”

“Yeah, she’s good,” remarked another one. “Not as good as Joanie but still up there.” Was that Tom? I sort of recognized his tone.

But the next voice was unmistakable, deep and raspy.

“Forget it, Joanie’s done,” came Nick’s comment. “Let’s move on.”

I fell to my knees then in the hallway. The thunk was loud but the carpet muffled most of the impact, even as I breathed hard, eyes wild.

Because it was clear what had happened. The billionaires had given up on me. When they discovered me gone this morning, they called up Helena for a new girl.

“Send a fresh one,” Nick must have commanded. “We’re done with the old.”

My eyes watered, stinging and hot. That fast? I’d crept out in the middle of the night, taking my stuff with me. And they’d given up already? Not just that, but called in my replacement as well?

Because that’s who the blonde girl was. She must have interviewed with the six men. They were all here, after all. The six of them were in New York for some reason or other, taking overnight flights. And when they discovered I was missing, it was the perfect time to do some screening for the next stewardess.

Forget Joanie.

Forget the brunette.

Forget the promises we made.

Oh wait. There had been no promises, nothing but a contract.

And now I was too much trouble.

Because billionaires don’t “work things out.”

Instead, everything goes their way, all the time.

And heart pounding, tears poured down my cheeks. How could this have happened? I didn’t deserve this. Just yesterday, the twins and Nick had been fighting over me. But one small disturbance in the universe, and I was toast? Because I needed some time to myself, that was it? How could they be so harsh and unrelenting? Why was this happening?

But there are no why’s in the world.

Things are unfair.

Nothing is just.

And I had to accept my fate. The billionaires were done with me. More than done, they’d already found someone else to take my place. At the very least, they were interviewing dozens of applicants, thus the dirty look the blonde shot my way.

She thought I was competition.

Oh god.

The realization hurt so bad that I keeled over, face in my hands.

Because I wasn’t competition.

I was leftover trash, one and done, thrown out with the garbage.

The knowledge seared my heart, tearing me apart from the inside out.

But no. They’d hear if I cried outside the door. So stumbling to the elevator bank, I jammed the button with a desperate finger, willing the lift to carry me away.

Get me out of here,the voice in my head whispered. Please now, before they discover my humiliation.

Because I was yesterday’s news … and the dream was over.
