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“Yeah, the hotel only had the one suite, so Tyler, Mason and I had to share,” he growled, rolling his eyes. “Can you believe it? We’re forty year-old guys sharing a place. I haven’t done this since I was in the Cub Scouts.”

A laugh escaped me then, a big breath of oxygen entering my lungs. Cub Scouts? I couldn’t imagine this handsome, dominating man dressed in khaki shorts with a red bandanna, holding up his fingers in the “Scout’s Honor” pledge. It was too hilarious.

But Kane shook his head again, grinning all the while.

“That’s right, I was a Cub Scout,” he said. “Made it all the way to Eagle, as a matter of fact,” he said, voice going serious. “I believe in giving back to the world, and the Boy Scouts helped me hone my philanthropic urges. It makes a big difference you know. Back then, I was happy to give ten dollars to a worthy cause, and now it’s a lot more,” he said with an easy grin.

I nodded, impressed. So these guys were definitely more than corporate raiders, take-no-prisoner business titans. There was a sense of generosity and graciousness that permeated the air, making them human beings with multiple sides. How in the world did I get so lucky?

And at that moment, Tyler and Mason entered the room. But my sense of calm was short-lived. Seeing the three gorgeous alphas together sent my body temperature skyrocketing. Suddenly, the spacious living room was too small and heat pulsed through my frame as three pairs of blue eyes ran over my curvy body.

“Well now that we’re all here, should we head out on the tour?”

My voice sounded silly to my own ears, high-pitched and funny. But still, I’d offered a tour and was gonna deliver.

Mason sank back on a plush couch, one big hand balancing a drink. What was that? Brandy? Bourbon?

He grinned then.

“Where are my manners?” the big man growled. “The lady needs a drink as well.”

And sure enough, Tyler strode to the wet bar then.

“Get you something, honey?” came that smooth, deep voice.

A flush made me hot. Wasn’t it a little early in the day for a drink? Cocktails usually start at five, right? But the devil on my shoulder put in an appearance then. That was the old you, the voice scolded. Stop being such a fuddy-duddy. Have a drink. Who gives a damn what time of day it is? You’re the only one watching the clock.

So I smiled brightly, taking a deep breath.

“Sure. Why not?”

And drinks were poured for everyone, a clear amber that swirled in low glasses. Man, the liquor was almost hypnotic to watch, moving from side to side like the sea.

And whatever it was, it was strong. The scent of honey mixed with cinnamon, oak and alcohol permeated my nostrils and throat, liquid courage pulsing down my throat all the way to my stomach.

Man, it was needed.

Another swallow made my insides burn.

But there was no respite because the question I’d been dreading was asked then.

Clearing his throat, Tyler took me in.

“So why are you still a virgin?” that low drawl came. “No judgment,” he said, holding his hands up prisoner style. “We’re just curious, that’s all.”

I gulped awkwardly, the fiery burn almost making me choke. How to answer without completely humiliating myself? Suddenly, my clothes felt constricting. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the question making me nervous. But there was nothing to tell but the truth. No embellishments. No lies. Better to get it out there. So I was honest.

“Boys have never been interested in me,” came my voice slowly. “I guess I just wasn’t anyone’s type.”

Unable to meet their eyes, the bottom of my glass held my attention as embarrassment threatened to choke the air from my lungs. But the three men never stirred. Their stares were like lasers on my skin, lighting a fire inside. It also gave me the courage to continue.

“I’m a big girl. Most don’t find my figure flattering,” my voice came again, slow and hesitant, hands tightening around the glass. “I wish it was different, but it’s not. So I’m … you know, a virgin.”

Pure silence.

Oh god, did they hate me now?

Or more accurately, did they think I was undesirable, the leftovers that no one wanted?

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