Page 125 of Breaking Trey

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Trey looked at Rogue, who shrugged, but his face hardened as he glared at Nash. “It doesn’t fucking matter. Like Trey just said, it’s our territory.”

Oh fuck. It was clear Trey was missing an important detail.


Rogue took a drag of his cigarette, stalling. Rogue had initially been vague with his details about the meeting with Palmer, but Trey just chalked it up to Rogue being Rogue.

“Where?” Trey snapped.

“Springville,” Rogue said.

Motherfucker! No wonder Ace was livid. Springville was only about fifteen miles from Killcreek.

“That close to Killcreek’s set up, and you didn’t think they’d have a goddamn issue, Rogue?”

Rogue shrugged, not seeming to be bothered by any of it.

Trey dragged his hand through his hair. He’d yet again have to clean up one of Rogue’s deals.

“I’ll reach out to Ace.”

Nash snorted, shaking his head. Fuck!

“It’s going to take more than a call, Trey. Ace was pissed,” Nash said. “Told Oz they got no interest working with you two if you can’t be trusted.”

“I’ll personally handle this.” Trey stood, narrowing his gaze at Rogue. “Be ready when I tell you we’re leaving.”

“Where?” Rogue asked.


Rogue’s face turned red. “No fucking way am I…”

Trey slammed his hand on the desk. “This is your fucking mess, and you will be there when I clean it up!”

Trey turned and stalked out of the office.

Fuck, Rogue!

Chapter Twenty-Four

Dahlia spent the first hour of her shift straightening up the empty balcony. She’d restocked the bar, wiped down the already clean tables, and paced the quarters. Trey and Rogue weren’t expected in tonight. Trey had actually mentioned a meeting, and she didn’t have plans of seeing him until the next day.

After doing two full rounds of offering help behind all the bars, Dahlia started back to the break room. The whole shift felt like one giant break. She shouldn’t complain, but she was beyond bored.

As she passed by Sloane’s office, she peeked inside. Sloane was behind her desk, staring down at her phone and smiling.

“I know that look,” Dahlia teased.

Sloane jerked in her seat and immediately flipped over her phone, screen side down. Dahlia muffled her chuckle. It would’ve been impossible to see what Sloane was looking at from across the room. However, her flushed face and wide eyes had Dahlia coming to her own conclusions.

She lifted her chin, smirking. “Sexting with video?”

“No!” Sloane blurted, and her cheeks shaded to a deep red.

Dahlia could no longer hold out. She burst out laughing, walking into the room and closing the door behind her. Her friendship with Sloane had only grown stronger since she’d started working at the Bowery.

Dahlia sat across from Sloane and clasped her hands over her stomach.
