Page 164 of Breaking Trey

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Had she not made a deal with the devil, she would have been killed long before Trey had gotten to her. Dahlia tried to block that thought from her mind, but it sparked a reminder of the promise that she’d made.

“I gave him my word, Trey.”

Trey walked toward the car, staring ahead of him. It was as if he was intentionally avoiding her eyes.


He sucked in a breath and finally looked down at her. “You gave him your word. And I’m giving you mine. I won’t touch him.”

Dahlia knew it would be hard for Trey to not seek revenge on the man, but she also trusted that he’d remain true to his word.

As they got closer to the SUV, a member of security, who she assumed was Darren, leaned forward, opening the door. Dahlia had to adjust her sight and squinted, seeing a familiar face in the backseat.

“What are…”

Sal waved her inside and patted the seat next to him. “I’m here to keep you company.”

She must have still been in shock and unable to comprehend what was happening. Sal was here? Trey gently lifted her into the seat, gingerly scooted her, and Sal reached into the back of the truck. He pulled out a blanket, shook it open, and wrapped it over her lap. He smiled, sliding his hand over the top of her head.

“Dahlia,” Trey whispered, and she turned. “Sal’s going to take you to my place.”

Panic immediately set in, and her eyes welled. “You’re not coming?”

Trey leaned closer, kissing her forehead. “Soon.”

Before she could protest, which he had to know she’d do, Trey straightened and closed the door.

Sal squeezed her hand, gaining her attention. “Gonna take you back to Trey’s. We’ll order some food and get you cleaned up. You’re gonna be fine, honey.”

I almost believe you, Sal.

The opposite door opened, and Doc leaned down, offering her two pills. Dahlia stared down and sank into her seat, but Sal grasped her hand.

“Take them.”

Dahlia shook her head. “I don’t want to.”

Sal’s gaze softened. “I know you don’t, but I need you to take them anyway. Trust me, Dahlia.”

Dahlia hesitated but reached forward, taking the pills and the bottle of water offered to her. She swallowed the pills, chugged the water, and settled back in the seat. The effect was almost immediate, and her lids grew heavy as her body settled into a relaxed state. The last thing she remembered was Sal’s voice.

“It’ll all be over soon.”


Stark and his crew had been gathered in a room heavily guarded by the Underground security. They were outnumbered with no hope of getting away. Trey saw it in Stark’s eyes when he entered the room. There wouldn’t be any negotiations or pleas for their lives. It was pointless. Stark had been around and in the business for years and knew how it worked. The Underground was unforgiving and didn’t give second chances. Stark had made a choice by not reaching out to Trey directly when he’d received the information about Dahlia. It was a choice that would cost him and all the members of his crew their lives.

Surprisingly, Stark made a bold move and stepped forward.

“Sean and Nick were the ones who set this in motion.”

Rogue laughed, shaking his head, and even Trey gave in to a smile. You treacherous motherfucker!

“They may have started it, but you didn’t end it.”

Trey rolled his neck and glanced around the men, eyeing one man standing off to the side.

