Page 36 of Breaking Trey

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”You make me nervous.” Her voice hitched on the last word, and heat immediately rose to her face.

The corner of his mouth slightly shifted. It wasn’t necessarily a smile. Her heart jumped when he leaned in a few inches.

“I make everyone nervous.”

Dahlia had no doubt of that, but her situation was entirely different. Not everyone had fantasies involving Trey completely naked, pounding inside of her, pulling her hair, and making her toes tingle from coming so hard.

“You don’t have to do this,” she whispered.

“Do what?”

Dahlia shrugged, purposely avoiding his stare. “Be nice and offer me the job again.”

Trey cupped her jaw, lifting it a fraction of an inch, as the corner of his mouth curled. “I don’t do nice, Dahlia.”

Her throat bobbed, and she shifted her gaze nervously. She wasn’t sure what had set her body temperature off, his statement or his touch. Either way, she was burning up, and her skin prickled.

His thumb stroked her cheek, making the moment all the more intimate. Dahlia fell into a mini-trance, leaning into the palm of his hand. If ever there was a perfect moment for him to lean in and kiss her…this was it. His mouth was so close to hers that she could almost feel his breath. Her nipples beaded, and she tightened her thighs. The silence stretched between them was torturous.

Was she reading into this lustful connection? Was it just one-sided? Trey was impossible to figure out. Maybe she was putting too much stock in his actions tonight.

Trey scanned her face, pausing briefly at her lips, and his gaze softened. It was as if he knew her exact thoughts.

“Three o’clock at the Bowery. You will be there.”

She would, as well as anything else he suggested at the moment.

Trey straightened, dropping his hand to his side. “Have a good night.”

Dahlia fought against a smile until he got in the car. Once she knew he couldn’t see her, there was no holding back. She remained frozen against the wall until he started up his car and pulled out of his parking spot. Dahlia pushed off the wall, walking to the edge of her porch with a smile plastered on her face. She followed the lights until they disappeared around the corner.


This would be a long night.

The deal would go through with the transport, courtesy of Oz, of course. Trey just had to do his part by convincing Rogue it was the best move. Rogue giving anyone a second chance was never an option. This wouldn’t be an easy task.

There was a common misconception about the Underground and how most viewed it working. While Trey, Rogue, and Oz ran things and were a solid united front, their duties were separated. The idea dated back to when they first began working for Sal Caruso. All three men played different roles in the Underground, specifically designed to showcase their strong attributes and talents. The responsibility of each was what ensured everything went smoothly.

Years later, as they moved up the ranks, their roles hadn’t changed, and business worked flawlessly when everyone did their part. It’s what made them leaders. Unfortunately, Rogue earned his name, and sometimes took liberties and made decisions and choices not always in the best interests of the Underground. This was one of those times.

Trey rolled his shoulders, pacing around the abandoned house. As per usual, he was the first to arrive on site. The last time he’d checked his phone, Rogue was twenty minutes late. It wasn’t a good look, but as usual, Rogue didn’t care what others thought—unlike some people.

Trey cupped his mouth, staring off into the dark living room. His mind should’ve been consumed with this deal, but somehow it drifted to a dark-haired, dark-eyed woman. Fuck me. It had been two days since his encounter with Dahlia, and she was taking up too much headspace. His actions from the other night had been unacceptable, unpredictable, and completely out of character. Trey was known for his self-control in all situations. He’d been up against the deadliest scenarios, went head-to-head with the most dangerous of men, and never once lost control of himself. With Dahlia? He was walking a fine line. It took everything in him to walk away.

This woman had plagued his mind a few times in the last few months. He couldn’t quite pinpoint his attraction. Dahlia was beautiful, her sex appeal was potent, and for most men, he assumed, impossible to resist. Even Trey, who had an impeccable amount of control, found himself unable to ignore her when they were in close proximity. With all that said, beauty was common. Trey was surrounded by gorgeous women and didn’t give most of them an afterthought. But they weren’t like Dahlia. None of them. She embodied a softness, innocence, and kindness not often seen in his realm. It would have been easier to disengage had he not seen the desire in her eyes. She wanted him, and it wouldn’t have taken any effort to have her had he allowed it. Fuck! This thing with Dahlia was bordering on infatuation. The smart choice would have been to keep his distance. Instead, Trey would see her every damn fucking day.


Trey turned around, glancing over to the opposite side of the room where a member of his security had been stationed. The entire perimeter was encircled, but he always had one man, preferably this one, close. Some might view their extensive security as over the top for nightclub owners. It would be if that was their only title.

Jared arched his neck, peering out the front window. “Rogue’s here.”

About fucking time.

Rogue walked through the door, looked around, and spread his arms. “Where the fuck is everybody?”
