Page 193 of Finch

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As if to illustrate the point, Bertram, who’d been having a very quiet argument with Grimbold in

the corner of the room, stalked away from his father and came to stand by where Hugh and

Finch sat. “I apologize, but I must go. I’ve business to attend to.”

Hugh narrowed his eyes. “Do you?”

Bertram clapped his brother on the back. “I do, indeed. And never fear. I’ll make sure all is well.

It is, after all, what I do.” He bowed slightly and left the room.

Finch frowned after him. Of all of Hugh’s siblings, Finch knew the least about Bertram. “What

exactly does he do?”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea,” Hugh said, “and I’ve no wish to know. Something dull, I’m sure.

Bit of an errand boy for our father. Not my cup of tea.”

“Hm.” Finch frowned, but didn’t pursue it. If it was important, the information would come to

him in time. It always did. And he had far more important things to do now. He was a father,

and he was determined to be the best one that ever was.

“This is, without a doubt, the absolute best day of my entire life.” Hugh sighed happily. “I love

you. I love you both more than I can ever express.” A thought drifted through Hugh’s eyes like

a cloud, and in a sudden panic, Hugh peered down at newborn Theodore. “Finch, we need to

find him a mate!”

Finch raised his eyebrows. “Hugh, he’s not even a day old. You’ve got many years yet to

meddle in his life.”

“But he can’t die, Finch. Not ever.” Hugh turned huge, beseeching eyes upon Finch. “I won’t

allow it.”

Finch gave Hugh a quick kiss. “Give him time, my dear dragon. Let him grow up.”


“And if, in time, he needs a mate, I can find one for him. I found one for you, didn’t I?”

Hugh grinned hugely. “What would I do without you, Finch?”

Finch leaned over and kissed his mate. “A better question, my love, is what would I do without




Theodore Frederick Drake, born September nineteenth at 7:17 AM and weighing six pounds,
