Page 84 of Finch

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“I’m afraid it’s a delicate situation.” The gentle clink of a fork on china marked Finch’s words.

“And it wasn’t one I took without investing a great deal of thought. In the end, I decided the

small passions I had would lead to careers that wouldn’t permit me the comforts I wanted.

Working as an Attendant for a dragon is not only far more lucrative, but is also surprisingly

fulfilling.” Hugh looked across the table to find Finch had folded his hands in his lap. His quiche

was mostly eaten. He seemed disinterested in the rest. “Not all Attendants are so lucky, I know,

but I was fortunate enough to end up under your employ, and I thank the forces that be every

day for it.”

Hugh’s heart fluttered. “Then you enjoy it here?”

“Very much so.”

“I’m so glad to hear it.” If that was the case, with just a little more coaxing Hugh would be able

to add Finch to his hoard, where he would guard him jealously forever. “Since you’re able to

judge, you must have spent some time under the employ of other dragons. Is that right? Or

perhaps your parents were Attendants before you?”

Finch lowered his gaze. “In a matter of speaking, but not entirely.”

“What about them, then?” he continued. “Would it do you good to go back to England while on

vacation to visit? I can arrange for that.”

Hugh might as well have offered to throw him into a volcano for the look Finch gave him. “No.

That won’t be necessary.”

“What’s wrong?”

“With all due respect, sir, I’d rather not talk about my family. The reason I’m so glad to be

involved with your life is that I don’t much like being involved in mine. Now, I believe we were

supposed to be discussing centerpieces? I’ve had some ideas since the last time we spoke.

What do you think about camellia?”

Hugh didn’t even know what a camellia was, but it seemed to make Finch happy, so it was

what he went with. Finch had never steered him wrong before, and Hugh had doubts he ever


* * *

Two weeks before the ball on a gray and snowy day, Hugh sat with Finch on a couch in the

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