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“You don’t have to cook for me. I…you’re already doing so much. It just seems kind of…,” I look for the right words, “shitty that you have to take care of me after all that you’ve had to put up with. I should be the one taking care of you. Oh, I can make breakfast for us.”

“Sure, you can make breakfast.” I give him a big smile and then start to overthink everything.

“Oh gosh, unless you don’t want me to stay the night. I mean, you might have someone else coming over and I shouldn’t just presume. I…remember you said you would tie me to a bed but maybe you didn’t mean your bed. Not that I want to be tied to a bed. Shit!”

“Ember.” He turns and gives me those turquoise eyes and all the thoughts go silent, “I want you to stay. I don’t have anyone else, no one coming over or someone I’m fucking around with, and I would love for you to make breakfast for me.”

He turns back to the stir fry before mumbling something under his breath. It sounds suspiciously like something about wanting to tie me to his bed, but I can’t be sure, so I don’t say anything. For the next couple of hours, I try to keep things light by talking about his work, his plans for the future, and what I plan to do after graduation.

After we cleaned up, he asked me to watch a movie with him. He’s very snuggly with me and not at all like I would have thought Hunter would be like. I realize he deals with some rough people fixing and creating custom motorcycles. I just expected him to be…gruffier. Instead, he pulls me down almost on his lap and throws his arm around me.

During the whole movie, I can’t pay attention to what is going on because of all the contact. This is really the first time I’ve been this close to a man. I don’t date because I’ve never been really comfortable with anyone like that and I’m a complete dork. For so long it’s just been me and my mom -like girls’ night twenty-four seven.

Everything he does is something new and different. The brush of his leg against my own, the feel of his arm lying along my shoulders, the weight of his hand so close to my breasts but so far away too, are all things I’ve never been aware of, never been around so I don’t know how to take any of it.

“You know you can relax right? That I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You know that, right?”

“Yeah. Yeah, of course I do.” My voice is too high, and I say it too fast. Even I can tell I’m nervous and out of my element.

He was the first person to kiss me. Why did he kiss me? Was it like a pity thing or the heat of the moment? Was he trying to say sorry for his family? I try to think back about what led up to the kiss but he’s so close and every move is sweet torture.

“I’m…I’m not worried. I trust you.”

He gives me a sexy half smile, “Good. I’m glad.”

His words create a warm glow deep inside of me. I don’t really want to figure out why his words of praise do funny things to me because I don’t think I’m ready for that just yet. Not even to admit it to myself. He causes me to jump when he starts playing with the ends of my hair, twirling it around his fingers and brushing against my neck.

“Hey, I’m really sorry this happened on your birthday. I wish it had been a better day for you.”

I turn so I can look at him more easily. “No! I…this is…I mean, the whole Roger thing was…is freaky and creepy but…the ride on the back of your bike was pretty awesome and…um, I really like being here with you.”

He gives me a smile that goes straight to a place it shouldn’t, “You like hanging out with me, baby?”

“Yeah.” I make sure he hears the incredulousness of the question in my answer. Who wouldn’t love hanging out with him? Best day ever.

“Maybe I can make it up to you. Take you somewhere special.”

“You don’t have to…” his lips find mine and cut off the words I was about to say. It’s a soft kiss that isn’t hurried or demanding at all. My eyes close as his fingertips brush the side of my face, and he masterfully captures my bottom lip with his. I hear myself moan at the tenderness he’s showing me and would be embarrassed if I wasn’t so caught up in his kiss.

He pulls back and we go back to watching the show, but my lips are swollen, and I have to squeeze my thighs together to keep the sensations from overwhelming me. He might not be rattled by kissing but I’m going to be thinking about that all night. How soft his lips are, how light he pressed his against mine, it’s all going to keep me up, keep me wondering.

I'm not sure how but eventually I’m so sleepy I can’t hold my eyes open. I take longer and longer blinks until the warmth of his embrace and my exhaustion from all the stresses of the day wash over me and drag me down to the warmth and safety of sleep.

Chapter Nine



I wake up slowly as the sun comes pouring into the room. If I had to guess, it’s probably close to seven. Thank God I don’t open early on Saturday. Waking up to not just sharing a bed, but having a warm, curvy woman on top of me is a new experience but one I can get used to. But only if it’s Ember.

I wait until I am sure she’s still asleep before I let my hands travel over those curves. I let them roam over the supple length of her back, the swell of her hips, and the curves of her butt until I am groaning out in frustration and lust. I bite back another one not wanting to be the reason she wakes up. I can’t help but give her butt a squeeze to test the softness. Thoughts of smacking her on the rounded curve and watching it move cloud my mind. They lead to thoughts of her soft ass moving when I collide into her as I take her from behind.

How would I take her first? Would I want to look into her eyes and watch as I breach her barriers? Would I want her on her hands and knees so I can watch from behind as her pussy swallows up the length of my cock? Images of taking her up against a wall, eating her pussy in my car -oh, or on the back of my bike- and playing with her as she rides my face all crowd into my mind and leaves me gasping for breath.

It takes her wiggling closer to me to realize I might be holding her a little rougher than I should. I wonder if she’ll have bruises in the shape of my fingers on her ass. Something about that is even hotter than all the other images in my head.

I run my hand over the back of her thigh enjoying her soft skin under my work roughened hands. Last night when she fell asleep on me, I let her rest just like we were for a long time. The sound of her soft snores and warm breath on my neck made my heart hurt. Being like this…was perfect. The best way I have ever spent a night. It might have been her birthday, but I was the one getting the gift.

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