Page 41 of Billionaire Boss

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I had plans for her tonight, but the black cat was a welcome distraction. A small smile tugged at my lips, thinking back to her beaming smile when I agreed to keep the cat.

Maybe we can co-parent the cat.

“Did you reheat the pizzas…?” I trailed off seeing our food in the kitchen, but Summer and the cat were nowhere in sight. Frowning, I looked around and found them in the living room.

Passed out.

I watched her sprawled out on the soft rug with the cat nestled against her arm. They were snuggling. I took a quick picture and kept my index finger on my lips when Void looked at me with his bleary eyes. I tucked both of them into a blanket and sat on the couch.

“You didn’t even dry your hair?” I whispered, touching her soft locks that were still damp. “If you get sick, don’t blame it on me.”

My phone pinged with a message and I leaned back on the couch. Rahul had sent me the document I had asked him to get. I opened it, eyeing the woman dead asleep in the living room with a stray cat.

After a while, I tried to calm down and glared at her. Why the fuck didn’t she tell anyone? Not even Emma or Mia? She could have told them. She should have.

No matter. I will make her sign the contract even if she hates me. I will take care of her and her worries.

* * *

“Good morning, sunshine,” I deadpanned when Summer moaned as she woke up from the rug. The cat looked up from the couch, stretched, and walked away with his tail high.

I had already worked out in my house gym, showered and got dressed for the day while she didn’t move an inch. Even when the cat started kneading her stomach and left her when he didn’t get any pets.

“What time is it?” she grumbled, yawning and rubbing her eyes. My tee shirt, which she was wearing, drooped over her shoulder, making my eyes zero in on her décolletage. I glanced away and served sunny-side up eggs with bacon and a glass of orange juice.

“It’s nine in the morning.” I placed the plates on the island and asked, “Do you want coffee?”

“Do you have decaf?” she asked mid-yawn. “Did I sleep here all night?” She stretched her limbs while I tried not to stare at her hard nipples that were poking through the tee.

“No, I don’t have decaf, and yes you did,” I answered, checking the cat’s bowl. He had devoured the wet food I had given him early in the morning, and now he was trotting around the house like he owned it.

“No wonder I feel like my back’s going to break,” she groaned and slumped on the stool. “Why didn’t you wake me up or take me to bed?”

I stared at her as I leaned over the island. “You slept like a log, kitten. I didn’t want to touch you while you were sleeping.”

She hummed, and looking me in the eye, said, “What if I was into it?”

I raised my brow. “You are into somnophilia?”

Her cheeks flushed, and it was the prettiest shade ever, making her freckles stand out. “Maybe.”

“Filthy little kitten,” I whispered and flicked her forehead. “Finish your breakfast. We have a long day ahead.”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, shoving bacon in her mouth and moaning exaggeratedly.


“Oh, shoot.” Summer stood up without finishing her breakfast, and I frowned, watching her look for something in her purse.

“Your phone is charging on the nightstand,” I said, but she still kept looking. “What is it?”

“My meds.” She was frowning. “I need my meds.”

I swallowed and clenched the fork. “What meds?”

Her eyes met mine, and she sighed, shaking her head. “Forget it. I’ll ask Heather to bring it.”

I narrowed my eyes at her and said, “If I’m going to fuck you and use you however I want, I need to know if you have any medical conditions, Summer.”
