Page 43 of Billionaire Boss

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When I got out of the shower, a set of clothes, including my undergarments, were placed on the bed. The navy dress looked brand new, and so did the sandals. Not everyone knew I had ADHD, and I kept it that way since people’s reactions were always polarizing. My parents, Emma and Mia accepted it very well, but some of my co-stars and the producer of the show thought it was an excuse I used for being lazy when it was just an executive dysfunction.

I never told my partners about it. Especially since my ex-girlfriend started stealing adderall from me when I got diagnosed. But Damon took it well. I wasn’t expecting him to hold my hand and thank me.

He is surprising.

My heart pounded in my ears when I donned the dress. Its expensive material hugged my body. It fell right on my thighs and looked between professional and casual. If I’m going to have a pretend-billionaire boyfriend-slash-boss, I might as well accept being spoiled.

“I’m surprised that you know my bra size, but I didn’t need—are you okay?” I asked, walking up to Damon.

He was pacing around with a frown between his brows. He was frowning most of the time, but it looked like something had affected him. When his stormy eyes snapped at me, I straightened up and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. Damon didn’t have any hair styling tools except a hair dryer, so I had used a claw clip from my purse and clipped my hair in place.

“What?” I asked when he kept staring and didn’t reply. My cheeks heated when he shamelessly checked me out.

“That dress looks good on you,” he said, his voice low.

“I wanted to ask,” I started, taking in a deep breath when he faced me, face cold and emotionless. “I wanted to ask why didn’t you text me after… that night.”

His brows scrunched. “I did.”

“You didn’t. I never got a text—”

I held my breath when he came closer. He showed me the text he had sent on his phone. He had sent a text the next morning. But to a wrong number.

“That’s not my number, Damon,” I said, pursing my lips. He glared at his phone and I knew who was to blame. “I’m sorry, I was sleepy so I might have misplaced a number or two.”

“Silly brat,” he murmured, his hand lifting towards my face, to cup my cheek, but we were interrupted by a furious knocking on the door.

“Who is that?” I asked, watching Void’s ears perk up at the door. He stared at it curiously.

Damon opened the door and my lips parted when Heather stormed in, followed by Rahul, Damon’s assistant.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Heather demanded, glaring at my dress, sandals, and the cat. Void narrowed his eyes at her.

“I’m so sorry. She threatened me if I didn’t let her—oh my god, look at you! You’re so adorable! Can I pet him?” Rahul said and rushed to Void, who was on the couch, and gently petted his head.

“Why is there a cat here?” Heather asked and crossed her arms, looking between me and Damon when he stepped beside me. “I want to know what is happening between you two right now.”

“He is my boyfriend,” I said, blood rushing to my cheeks. “And my boss. If I sign the contract.”

“I don’t care if you are her manager, but don’t make a habit of storming inside my house again,” Damon said coldly, staring her down.

Thankfully, Heather wasn’t afraid of him and narrowed her eyes back. “You kidnapped my client from your office, and the next thing I know there are rumors of you two dating,” she turned to me. I stared at her ear when she said, “I expected a message or at least a call when you disappeared.”

“You’re so fluffy! I love your face and aw, look at this—you’re purring,” Rahul cooed, and he looked like he was about to shed tears through his glasses when Void indulged him further by rolling on his back.

“We were busy,” Damon replied, wrapping an arm around my waist. “Do you always invade all your clients’ privacy like this? You need a better manager, babe.”

I pursed my lips as Heather gaped at him, and that was my cue. “How about you wait for me at the office, yeah?” I forced a smile at Damon, glaring at him, and took Heather’s hand. “Drive with me.”

“Wait here,” Damon ordered and glared at Heather. “Explain everything about Void to Rahul. He will look after him and get him checked at the vet. I’ll go arrange the cars.”

“It’s okay, I have a ca—”

“Summer is my girlfriend.” Damon interrupted Heather. “She is not going to sit in anyone’s car.”

My eyes were wide, staring at his broad back when he walked out of the house. I had to pinch myself to make sure it was real, and I wasn’t in a dream… or a nightmare.

“He needs therapy,” Heather mumbled underneath her breath, and I shot her a disapproving look before going up to Void, who was basking in Rahul’s attention.
