Page 107 of Frozen Flames

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It never left.



Sitting next to Ash’s mom, her new partner, John, and my dad and Diana, we’ve just watched Ash coach his last winning game for the next two months.

Erika taps on my shoulder from the seats behind. “Can you tell Ash I’ll call him next week about Christmas? It’s getting late and I need to let Oscar out.”

“Yeah, of course. Text me when you get home.” I know she lives in a safe part of the city, near my old apartment with her dog, Oscar. Still, I always like to make sure she’s okay.

She kisses everyone goodbye and disappears into the sea of fans filing out of the arena in streams.

“We are going to leave, too,” Judy says.

“All of you?” I ask her, knowing how much they love each other’s company.

“Yes. We are going to grab something quick to eat and try out the new wine bar around the corner.” I adore how well Ash’s mom and John, and my dad and Diana get along. It makes family events fun and stress free.

Our families are awesome.

Judy leans in and gives me the biggest hug. “Everything will work out; I know it will. He loves you, Lily.”

“I love him more.”

“I know you do.” She chuckles. “Tell Ash I’ll text him later about Christmas.”

“What about Christmas? Erika said the same thing.” Judy hosts Christmas every year. What’s different about this one?

“Oh, he just asked about what to bring.”

“Okay.” I frown, realizing I’m being left alone. “Why are you not staying?” I lean out of our warm embrace.

“You two need time. Take this all in.” She looks up to the ceiling of the arena and then all around.

My eyes fall on Ash over on the far side of the rink. He smiles and waves me down onto the ice. “Go, have fun, and remember what this felt like.”

I think she means because it could be Ash’s last time coaching the team.

Waving our parents and their partners off, I venture down the steps and round the perimeter of the rink.

With the arena almost empty, it’s so quiet in comparison to the fanfare from earlier when the Eagles won 3-1 against Vancouver.

Shaking hands with his players and well-wishers, as well as a few fans, he spots me and excuses himself instantly.

His arms are around my waist and he’s spinning me around. “I missed you.”

“I saw you before the game.”

“I still missed you.” Kissing my lips, which he seems to have become obsessed with, he carefully places me back on the ground. “Skate with me.” He sounds excited, as he pulls me by the hand along to the opening of the rink.

“What about the media? And postgame talk down and analysis?”

“I’ve asked the assistant coaches to do it all.”

“Delegation.” My response amuses him.

“Never been good at that. Neither have you.” He pokes me in my ribs, making me yelp.
