Page 113 of Frozen Flames

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Unbuttoning my suit jacket, I make myself comfortable around the boardroom table.

Somewhere I didn’t see myself sitting again so soon.

Next to me, Elizabeth, the Eagles’ senior recruiting and engagement manager, lays out paperwork in front of her. She tilts her head sideways to hear what Savanna, the people operations director for the team, has to say, as she mumbles something in her ear.

The boardroom door opens wide and in walks an unusually sheepish looking Britney.

Her eyes flit over to me, then away again, and her nostrils flair.

She knows what this is about and she’s not too happy about it either.

“Thank you for joining us, Britney.” Elizabeth threads her hands together and places them on top of the paperwork in front of her as Britney sits down in the chair on the opposite side of the table.

“I know what this is about. He’s out to get me.” She points at me, looking like she’s about to burst into tears and, at the same time, wanting to rip my head off.

Calmly, Savanna takes over. “That is a serious accusation, Britney. Not one I would be throwing around, given the circumstances.”

Britney’s jaw twitches as she tries to hold her tongue.

Savanna continues, “Britney, we have talked multiple times about inappropriate behavior and violation of rules. Today, specifically, we are referring to clause seventeen of your employment contract regarding having romantic and sexual relationships with colleagues. It has come to our attention that you have not once, but on several occasions conducted yourself in an inappropriate manner choosing to have sexual relations with members of the team.”

An Eagles’ contract of employment states all employees are to stay away from the players at all times. Romancing or dating a hockey player is a huge no-no.

She’s slimier than a snake. How she got a job on the marketing team is also a huge sticking point for most of us. We have all questioned who she slept with to get that position. Regardless of her business degree, she’s a liability and not suitable for the role; her professionalism is somewhat lacking.

Savanna adds, “Not only is it unethical, but violates the rules you agreed to.” She pulls a copy of Britney’s signed contract out and slides it across the table. “In addition, you were caught performing a sexual act with Wade Collins, a current player for the Eagles, in our head coach’s home yesterday. As a result, we’ve made the decision to end your employment here, and today will be your last day.”

“But—” Britney jumps in.

“Let me finish, Britney.” Savanna holds her hand up. “You will receive your final paycheck on the last day of this month. This will include any extra hours you have worked, vacation time, and as an act of gratitude for your time, we will pay you until the end of the month.”

“I can’t believe you’re letting me go. What about Wade’s part in this?” Agitated, Britney tries staring me down.

Elizabeth told me to remain quiet at all times, and only to speak if Wade’s behavior was mentioned. “We are not here to discuss Wade, just you,” I tell her calmly. “However, Wade has been dealt with and has a four-game suspension.” I broke the news to him this morning.

Dustin begged me to be the one to do it. I’m the only one Wade trusts, and he knows I have his best interests at heart. However, I thought after this debacle, he may change his mind about me, but he was pleasant to us during our meeting and didn’t lash out like I thought he might. He knows he fucked up, promising to do better. I pray he does. He’s an incredibly talented defenseman and I would hate for him to throw it all away.

Britney’s skin flushes red hot up her neck and into her cheeks. “I hate you. You’re just jealous because it wasn’t you I fucked in your house. Wade was probably much better in the sack than you anyway.”

I have to hold in my laughter at how delusional she sounds.

Slicing off my own dick with a blunt object sounds far more enjoyable than having sex with Britney.

“I would like us to part on good terms, Britney,” Elizabeth says, sounding firm. “However, you need to lower your voice and refrain from saying anything that could further tarnish your name.”

Spitting venom in Elizabeth’s direction, she yells, “Fuck you.”

“I’m calling security,” Savanna drawls, as cool as a cucumber. She’s the perfect person for the role of people operations; efficient, kind, and no matter what the circumstances, she doesn’t mind facing difficult employees. Which is just as well, because Britney launches herself at me across the boardroom table.

“You’ll pay for this.” Veins bulging in her neck, she yells at me, her spittle flying across the surface of the table she’s clambering across.

I push my chair away from her clawing hands, just as the security team bursts into the boardroom.

She’s out of the door kicking and screaming, making a scene, destroying any chance of working for another hockey team ever again. Not that she would. She’s a die-hard Eagles fan and puck bunny through and through. Still, word will get around ruining her chances of finding employment anywhere in Edmonton.

In a way, I feel sorry for her. She landed her dream job and ruined it for herself. However, I have kept quiet for long enough about her involvement with several of the players. It happens, I know it does from time to time, but being in my house with Wade, she took it a step too far. She’s been desperately trying to slither her way into our friendship circle for years.
