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“And what are you planning on doing next?” I ask, glad that Katie didn’t already say because I’d like to hear her tell me.

A smile stretches further across her soft lips. “I’m going to move behind the camera instead of in front of it.”

“That’s great. You always did love taking photos.” I hold up the bottle noticing we’ve both drained our glasses again. “Do you want more?” And with her nod, I finish off the bottle pouring it into both our glasses.

“Will you tell me more about your new venture?”

Little Miss Sunshine is back when she begins to talk about her plans for her new business. Her eyes sparkle and her hands dance in front of her, becoming more animated when she mentions her first project.

Time slips by and the years of tension fade away. A comfortable sharing of ideas and thoughts over the remains of the champagne makes the earlier awkwardness disappear like it was never there.

It’s about an hour later when she says, “It’s getting late, and we both probably have an early start tomorrow.” She jumps off the barstool and scoots around to the other side. “But hey, we should do this again,” she says, avoiding eye contact by looking down to put her glass in the dishwasher.

“It makes sense, us talking, rather than using Katie in another time zone being our go-between.”

She chuckles. “Agreed. Although Katie will still want to know that I haven’t threatened to kill you in your sleep.”

I frown, and she continues, “Jokes. I didn’t threaten to kill you. I just said I was going to hide your remote control.”

I laugh. “Not my remote, anything but the remote. Even if I probably deserve that and worse.” I stand up and walk around to her side to put my glass into the dishwasher too.

We’re now standing shoulder to shoulder, closer than we have been all night. The faint scent of her perfume, stronger now and jumbling up my thoughts again. She takes one step back.

I clear my throat and push thoughts of her in the lingerie back into the recesses of my mind. “If you need any help with setting up the business side of things, I know some people.”

She turns to face me. “Thanks, Logan, that would be great … and thanks for the champagne.” She steps into me this time and places a quick friendly peck on my cheek. I’m frozen in place, my hands flat on the countertop. I’m tempted to reach for her, but I don’t.

“Good night,” she whispers softly before disappearing down the hall. I’m disappointed to see her leave, but with where my head’s at tonight it’s probably for the best. If my plan is for us to be friends, hitting on her would not be a good move.

Just friends, nothing more, I tell myself. Definitely no benefits to go along with that, that’s more Hunter’s style, not mine. Allie and I were once friends all those years ago before I stuffed up and set in motion a war of words that has lasted more than a decade.

History is not going to repeat itself. I enjoyed talking to her tonight too much to screw it up again.

Chapter nine


A wide yawn followed by a long stretch of my arms, it’s the best way to greet a new exciting day. For the first time since I moved in, I feel like I don’t have to lie in bed and wait, listening for the slam of the front door signaling the departure of my moody roommate.

Logan has been the perfect roommate the last few days, ever since our impromptu noodle box and champagne dinner. I still don’t see him much, but when we do bump into each other, he’s surprisingly friendly and makes a point of asking how my business plans are going. It’s so nice having someone down the hall to share news with, even if it feels like I’m stepping into dangerous waters. This new version of Logan is a tempting attractive package. I really like spending time with him, now that we’re not constantly bickering or taunting each other.

He wasn’t even upset when I asked to stay an extra couple of weeks. The tenant who Katie sublet her apartment to has had to delay their move date. And given they had paid up a couple of months in advance it was only fair that I wait. Anyway, I’ll still be moving in and getting settled before the holidays; which was the goal.

Although I’m sure he’ll still be glad to see me gone from his spare room, I think we might be able to maintain a friendship beyond the move. Just like when we first met in high school. Maybe I’ll see if he’s free for another takeout night sometime in the next couple of days. He seemed to agree when I suggested that we could do it again. I just don’t want to screw up this new fragile truce before it’s had a chance to take hold.

I lean over to pull my cell off the charger and start scrolling through my social media posts. Social media sucks. The good posts are inspiring. However, the bad ones feel more like a necessary evil to be endured. I try not to dwell on them, scrolling through quickly. I have enough imposter syndrome thoughts of my own without having to hear the opinions of others that reinforce them.

Ever since my advertisement for Lacy’s one-off lingerie collection went up in Times Square, my social media has exploded. I’m considered an influencer and I get that when it comes to the latest designer fashions. However, I don’t see myself as an influencer of anything else.

For example, today a company has reached out wanting me to promote their meal plans. Being in the fashion industry this may seem like an obvious link to some marketing firms. But for me it’s a hard no. I’ve seen the sad consequences of special dietary fads bordering on starvation that some of the young models, male and female, have fallen into and I’d rather leave that to the experts in the field of nutrition.

My body is naturally thin, but that doesn’t mean I embrace only that body shape and I’ve never modeled for any brand that I’ve heard insists on models dropping to a certain weight. I believe in the beauty of the human body in all of its wonderful shapes and sizes. It should be celebrated not denigrated.

I politely decline the offer and move onto the next message on my DM.

You’ve come a long way. Up there in Times Square like you deserve it. You don’t.

That’s a bit weird. But then again, you get the odd, creepy message, though usually in a post not a direct message like this one. The trolls seem to like public exposure for their warped opinions.
