Page 23 of Captive Mate

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Now I sounded like my parents. Great. Crude bullet-style weapons hadn’t been used in centuries, replaced with various laser weapons and molecular centering rangers.

“Thor? Where are you going? Come on, baby.” I closed the front door behind me, placing my bag on the entrance floor, listening for any sound that Skyler was still up. Nope. Then I trudged up the stairs to the second floor, noticing Thor the second before he managed to nuzzle his way into the master bedroom.

I was certain I’d hear his happy bark as he jumped on Skyler. The sound coming from the room wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, the squeal ripped with terror.

And unless Skyler had decided to have a sex change operation since breakfast, I’d say my boyfriend who’d followed me here eighteen months before, the one who’d only days before mentioned the big ‘M’ word for a third time wasn’t alone.

Emotions were something I was very good at controlling. But hearing the level of passion, which I didn’t remember sharing with Skyler, and seeing their sweaty faces was like having a dagger driven through my heart. Somehow, I had to maintain my dignity.

Even if I did want to return the favor, hurting both of them.

I took a deep breath and walked closer, nodding several times as I pushed open the door. Then I folded my arms, enjoying the fact Thor was attacking both Skyler and his buxom redhead female companion. Well, attacking was too strong of a word. My furry baby was actually trying to lick both their naked bodies to death, but the girl was mortified, finally tumbling from the bed, squealing like a stuffed pig.

Thor was also growling, yelling at Skyler for being an asshole.

Later I’d end up calling my best girlfriend in a panic, beg her to bring Raspberry Blue, my favorite and highly illegal intoxication liquid for comfort, and hold my hand as I cried my eyes out, but right now I was furious.

And wanted the pissant of a man to suffer as much as possible.

I’d need to ply my neighbors with homemade cookies for what they were being forced to endure. Maybe it wasn’t too late to add on an order of chocolate chips to the transport ships.

I leaned against the door, noticing Skyler had dragged out all our sex toys, the ones he normally refused to use. The butt plug and handcuffs, the non-furry variety were my two favorites, but the hefty passion pink vibrator was a delicious treat as well. Then there was the Lexan paddle. Tasty as well as exciting. Whoa. Hold on. The bastard, son of a bitch pig of a prick spanked her? Okay, so I’d been hesitant to comply the first time he’d suggested it, but he was using it on someone else?

As he continued thrusting the anal plug into her ass, it was all I could do to keep from losing the late lunch I’d finally grabbed after my surgeries had been complete.

For a few seconds, I was drawn back to a time when I’d allowed myself to let go, to experience an incredible fantasy because of a gift provided by my best friend. I’d told no one about the experience. Why it came to my mind today I wasn’t certain, but it was obvious that his betrayal had jarred the memory.

The funny truth was that I’d wanted Skyler to be more like the huge godlike man who’d fucked me in my fantasy, although I wasn’t firmly convinced that what I’d experienced had been fake. Maybe I’d settled for a smarmy ass, which had been my problem all along.

That was going to stop. I was determined to find the inner strong girl, the one that could kick the man in his balls. Yep. That girl existed. And I was bringing her to the forefront today.

Huffing, I rose onto my tiptoes, taking a single gander at her big butt. Yep. The bastard had spanked her first. Fuck him. Sadly, now I’d need not only to burn the bed but the toys as well. Boy, my neighbors would get a little feast for their eyes. Wouldn’t they?

I cleared my throat, slapping a smile across my face, one that was as evil as the vile thoughts running through my head.

Skyler pulled out of the girl’s butt, his dick immediately flatlining. Ah, what a shame. He’d be lucky if I didn’t cut it off. Hmmm…

His face turned beet red. The unknown girl’s did as well. As if I cared.

“Who is that?” the unwanted hussy made the mistake of asking. “Get her out of here. You didn’t say this was a threesome.”

“Yo, girlie poo. I’m the chick who rents this place. That boy toy over there is no longer welcome. The two of you can go fuck somewhere else. Not. In. My. House.”

“Honey. Baby girl. What are you doing home?” Skyler jumped out of bed, offering a shy smile, the one I fell in love with one beautiful night when the orange moon had been full and the smog at a minimum.

I really had no words that would make sense at this point. None.

Thor growled again then lunged forward.

“Get the fucking mutt out of here,” Skyler snapped.

As soon as Skyler pushed him hard, my puppy wincing from pain, I didn’t give a shit about maintaining dignity or anything else for that matter.

I threw myself at the boy trying to disguise himself as a man, pummeling Skyler in the face with several hard punches. It was good to hear the bones in his nose crunch. “You bastard. You asshole. Son of a bitch. Prick. No, you don’t have a worthwhile prick. That’s the problem.”

“Stop, Sunny. Just stop. You broke my nose!” He jumped back, his eyes open wide in shock, his massive hand wrapped around his nose. And he howled like a baby.

“Good. Come on, Thor.” I pulled at my baby’s collar, forcing him back then glaring at the two of them. I grabbed a few of his things, tossing them toward the door of the bedroom. “Get the fuck out.”
