Page 27 of Captive Mate

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My kind had been called many things over the years, but ‘pigs’ was truly derogatory. There were still some species who refused to believe my father was the God of Creation, believing in the barbarian story instead. It was interesting that most humans and a few other species who refused to believe in our superiority, never once bowing to our command. Some had even called us names. I couldn’t care less for the most part, but to have a member of the slithering scum throw slander like that in my direction made me bristle.

I did my best to walk away, preferring to end the night without killing anyone.

But as suspected, the fucker kept going. I was able to take a single step further away.

“Yeah, I heard they eat their young in blood sacrifices.”

They all laughed and that’s the moment I could tell my patience had reached its end. When I turned around to face their table, the smart creatures who were close realized what was about to happen and immediately jerked up from their tables, backing away before the storm hit.

I slammed the bottle on the table where I’d been, hoping to keep it out of harm’s way. Then I allowed my claws to extend on my right hand, snatching the largest reptile off his chair. Every time I issued a roar, people scattered away like the kind of vermin my father fed his beloved plant. While I’d reined in my anger successfully after several dozen near skirmishes, tonight my patience was all but gone.

As soon as I lifted the reptile into the air, cutting off his air supply, his skin oozed an entirely different substance, the green goo acid to most other creatures. It was their protective mechanism, making them virtually indestructible.

What a shame they hadn’t heeded the warnings about Vektorians. Our skin was made of molten fire or ice, both killing substances. On top of that, they’d gotten it right that we were bloodthirsty, only I had a feeling the puke green bodily fluid running through their veins would be rancid.

One bite into the serpent’s neck and I knew I’d been right. I spit out the hunk of flesh, sucking down only a pint of his life’s liquid before tossing him aside. The taste lingering in my throat was disgusting. The other three assholes were momentarily shocked.

Then they thought they could take me on three against one. The dumb fucks had no idea what I was capable of. I took a deep breath, holding it for cause and effect. Then I blew it swiftly over their four figures. Almost instantly, the stench of their charred flesh permeated my nostrils, a pleasure that I hadn’t succumbed to in eons. Far too long.

At least my actions had been controlled, concentric to the table and where they’d been. Easy cleanup for the barkeeper.

When they were dead, I grabbed my bottle of booze, taking a swig before heading toward the exit.

That’s when I heard a squeal from one female to another.

“Oh, my. Do you know who that is? I think that’s the God of Fire, the sexiest beast in any galaxy. I’ve seen his picture. Look at that stud muffin.”

Stud muffin. Now that was a term I preferred to pig.

I took a deep whiff, hopeful the woman in question could be a possible mate.

Another disappointment.

At least I ended the night with a compliment. That was something.

Now it was time to return to the ship and plot a course for the closest human colony. I had nothing to lose at this point.

And I would open my mind, trying to locate the little human from before. What if she’d been my mate all along? I closed my eyes briefly, allowing an expansion of my tentacles of electricity to rush into the atmosphere. It was another gift. If the little human was out there, I would find her. However, if I was wrong that she was the one who had been my destiny for years, then I’d lose precious time that I didn’t have.

The proverbial clock was ticking down.

I only hoped at the end there wouldn’t be a huge boom as the universe began to disappear.



My head ached and had for hours. I never got headaches. Or rarely.

Maybe the fight I’d had with the owner of the pups I still had in my care was the reason. The fucker had threatened me. I’d pulled out my bat and that had been that.

However, the stench of his alcoholic breath had lingered in the office, creating a violent wave of nausea. I could swear it was like someone had an ice pick, jamming it into my brain.

“I just worry about you, honey bunny.”

It was my mother’s favorite pet moniker to call me, something she’d done since I was a small child. I shoved the last of my things into the duffle bag, finally ready to go back to what would be my lonely little apartment.

At least a good portion of it had been renovated since I’d almost managed to burn it to the ground. “I’m fine.” I rubbed my eyes and was instantly chilled when a vision slipped into the back of my mind. Not a vision exactly, a single image.
