Page 30 of Captive Mate

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“That if you get knocked off a horse, get right back up on it. I’ll add, ride a cowboy, save a horse.”

“What?” I almost choked, accidentally veering the transport unit to the right, nearly jumping into the other lane of airspace traffic. The flash of neon blue light let me know I’d almost caused a collision midair. I switched to the console communicator, shaking my head and planting both hands on the directional device.

“You heard me. You need to fuck a hot man. Maybe instead of a human you could find yourself a sexy alien. I’ve heard the Ganglors are impressive as hell in bed.”

“Absolutely not.” But they were supposed to be well endowed and for some reason, they enjoyed coming to the colony. Maybe because it had been designed and created to resemble Earth. Sadly, I’d never been to the now barren planet because of the continued toxic fumes from the last world war. I’d seen digitized pictures, our robots providing beautiful three-dimensional renderings from ancient books and computer systems that I’d heard our scientists had managed to get into. “Besides, not that many aliens are allowed on the colony at one time. The likelihood that I’ll find any of them attractive ranges from slim to never going to happen. You know that.”

“I dunno.” Her voice was singsong, and she shifted the communications device, allowing me to see a full circumference of where she was seated. “I see some sexy hunks of meat myself.”

A fleeting moment regarding the dream slithered into my mind all over again, the sharp intensity pushing my concentration level to a minimum. Then I forced myself to glance at the sexy alien creatures, trying to control my breathing.

I took a few seconds too long gawking at one of the sensual yet brooding aliens, almost running into an air sign. Then he noticed he was being watched and opened his… beak. Fuck me. Anyone with razor-sharp teeth wasn’t getting anywhere near my private parts. Nope. Not going to happen.

“Nice try. I’m coming for a few drinks and nothing more.”

“We’ll see. You know I’m good at convincing you to do very kinky things.”

“That’s the problem. Never again.” I still blamed her for the wackiness of the dream, even though she couldn’t have had anything to do with it. The fantasy gift was something else.

Laughing, Tory winked then ended the call.

I glanced at Thor, who pawed his face. “I’m with ya, buddy. No more men. Ever. Okay, for least a year. Deal?”




“Come enjoy your greatest fantasies. Indulge in your darkest proclivities. All while surrounded by everything you need to bring your sin and shame to life.”

The commercial was one I’d memorized, the girl’s voice sultry and her outfit barely there. Her figure crawled across the humongous screen, the advertisement doing exactly what she was paid the big bucks to do.

Entice men and women alike, encouraging them to feed their hungers. Her shimmering skin and bright purple eyes were only the beginning of why men preferred taking a Baristan woman to bed. I’d also heard their acrobatic abilities were… out of this world.

Sighing, I glanced at the second billboard before drifting around a series of slow-moving transport units. The fuchsia-haired model hired to beckon customers with a single finger and a lick of her lips was deliriously good at what she did. I’d heard she was one of the highest paid actors in the galaxy when she’d only appeared in two commercials, both for Sin and Shame, the club Tory had lured me to for a night of debauchery. It was her attempt at making me forget what I’d recently been through.

Sadly, I’d only been to the sensual location once for a bachelorette party for one of my old college friends. I had no idea why I’d been talked into it, other than Tory had been involved. She was like a strange noose around my neck.

The experience had neither been indulgent nor provocative, just shameful. At least for me. I’d remained red-faced the entire time while the other girls had dragged me into various specialty rooms where acts had been performed that I’d never even heard of. I’d certainly gotten a crash course in sexuality that night.

Not that I’d been a virgin any longer.

No, the big, bad alien took your prized virtue from you.

I couldn’t relive that over again. Not a chance.

Sadly, the fantasy realm would forever burn into the back of my mind. Why more tonight? I could almost reach out and touch the creature. Insanity.

What had come out of the salacious experience was my follow-up order of copious numbers of sex toys. I rolled my eyes at the thought since I’d tossed out every single delicious toy after the crap with Skyler. I could see a huge order in my future.

At least tonight I wouldn’t run from the club with tears in my eyes. Chuckling, I pulled the transport unit into a hover space, immediately noticing how crowded the club was. I knew the place was popular but holy moly, it was difficult to maneuver into the tight space, the various transport units at least four high. That wasn’t legal. Was it?

As soon as I jumped out, heading for the pathway walker, I heard the club’s pulsing music. I adored all kinds of sounds, vibes from everything classical to jazz, heavy metal my favorite, but what I heard could only be described at tribal, island music, something my mother used to play nonstop on some crazy player where you stuck a disc inside. Somehow my father had found an oldie but goodie player for her for one holiday event. Or maybe their anniversary.

“I’m here,” I said into the communications device as I stepped on the platform.

Tory’s face appeared, a grin on her face. I could tell by her glassy eyes she was already intoxicated. Oh, boy. I might need to cart her home for the night. Hissing, I realized I was the only person on the platform and sighed. So what if I was fashionably late? I grabbed the handle, surprised at the rough movement of the walking system. It was usually a smooth ride down to the main stationary floor.
