Page 37 of Captive Mate

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“Yes,” I said without hesitation. Of course it sounded crazy, but it wasn’t something I could just make up. I glanced around the top floor of the club, almost hopeful I’d see the guy. And in truth, he had been a hunk: a body of hand-crafted steel with arms bigger than my thighs. I dragged my tongue across my lips, the vision floating in my mind delightfully sinful.

“Then a gorgeous bronze hunk swooped in like an action hero from the shadows to save your life, incinerating all five of these disgusting beasts. And this massive monster of a man just happened to be the same alien creature you shared a fantasy with, one who gave you several powerful orgasms. Is that what you’re telling me?”

“That’s exactly what happened.” God, I wanted to strangle her.

My bestie’s laugh continued. She lifted her glass, waiting until I did the same. “First of all, Tantians aren’t allowed into this airspace. Remember? Even approaching the Earth Station would violate every single interstellar law. They were banned from this galaxy.”

I gave her a hard look. Given my father’s position in the military, I had more firsthand knowledge of how lax some of our security systems had become, but Tory didn’t know that. She, like everyone else on the station, needed to believe we were completely safe from unwanted predators. Other than humans gone bad. Still, for the Tantians to risk flying through the radar system was disturbing.

The fact that another creature that I’d never seen before had suddenly arrived right after the Tantians couldn’t be a coincidence. What about my almost abduction? I’d need to talk to my father in the morning. He would be required to put his soldiers on notice. I chewed on my bottom lip. “I hate to tell you this, Tory, but you’re living in a dream state if you believe our security is that tight. We don’t live underneath a protective bubble, remember? That’s because humans want fresh air and unfabricated weather systems instead of total security.”

Tory rolled her eyes, motioning for the android behind the bar to bring us another round of drinks. “Whatever you say, darling. My father would tell me if I had anything to worry about. I think you were having another lovely little fantasy. Or in truth, I think you need to get laid. That’s why you had a fantasy session with some mystery hero from the stars.”

Okay, so it sounded crazy to me as well, but I know what I felt.

What I’d witnessed.

And what I knew in my gut was going to happen.


“I do not need to get laid!” I said the words with far too much vehemence, which meant almost every male creature around me turned in my direction, eager to offer their assistance. Sometimes I was too boisterous for my own good.

“Yep. That’s my diagnosis. Let’s find you a hunky man that’s very human. Maybe that will soothe your beast.” The girl took my arm, trying to jerk me toward God knows where. I yanked it away with enough force I was pummeled backward.

And smack into something rock solid. I tumbled forward, noticing the look of sheer… lust in Tory’s eyes as she allowed her gaze to drift from my eye level up by a solid foot if not more. Then she swallowed hard, blinking rapidly.

That’s the moment I felt something akin to the blast of a warm fire. I straightened to my full height, trying to keep my wits about me, refusing to turn around. “What’s wrong?” Christ. There was a slight cracking sound in my voice. It had dipped low enough that I was shocked she’d heard me. I backed away from what I’d run into, taking gasping breaths.

Bubbles popped from her mouth, and she pressed her fingers against her lips. “Nothing,” she choked out. “I think I was wrong.”

“Meaning?” Every inch of my body was tingling, every nerve ending dancing as if dipped in the strongest level of current. I found it difficult to breathe, my legs even trembling.

“Meaning. I think your hero was very real. And… um… he’s perhaps the most gorgeous specimen of manhood I’ve ever seen. Was that your fantasy man? I mean, not that I’m an expert or anything but he’s pretty… let’s just say he’s hot.” She waved her hand in front of her face, beads of perspiration trickling down both cheeks. “And I think he wants you, as in all of you. Again. I don’t know.”

I wanted to say something cheeky like she should be standing where I was but couldn’t find my voice, just like had occurred before. I took a deep breath instead, slowly turning around. Then I looked up. I hadn’t had the opportunity to catch the details of just how tall my savior had been. Standing at least six foot eight, he made every other alien and human in the place look like dwarfs.

In the muted yet colorful lights, his skin shimmered as if sparkling from rays of sunshine. While he wore a uniform of some kind, it was form-fitting, like liquid skin, unable to hide the ginormous gifts he’d been given by whatever god had created such a marvelous creature. My mind shifted to when I’d had the fantasy, the loincloth he was wearing. It was ridiculous of me to be thinking that way, but I couldn’t help myself.

We stood gawking at each other as the electricity soared. It was entirely possible the building might burn to the ground given the excessive combustion happening between us.

“God. That beast looks like he’s from the mafia.”

I glanced at Tory, wrinkling my nose. “The mafia? How the hell do you know that term?”

“I got into a conversation with your mother the last time I saw her. She told me all about them.”

“You do know they killed people. Like they were really bad men?”

Tory shrugged. “So what? They were also possessive, and they took what they wanted. That’s every woman’s fantasy.”

I gritted my teeth as soon as she said the words, given they were ones I’d said to myself two years before. Oh, I’d gotten a beast who’d taken what he’d wanted alright. “Not mine.”

“Bullshit and you know it. I know it. Hell, everybody knows you hunger for a bad boy.”


“Just look at him. He’s hot as Hades and sin wrapped up in a sexy outfit. But imagine him in a loincloth.” She giggled, almost choking while making fun of me.
