Page 40 of Captive Mate

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His voice was dark and ominous yet tinged with a gloriously sexy tone. The deep bass had the kind of vibrato that fantasies were made of. He never blinked, never took his luminous eyes off me as he yanked off his pants in one swift motion. He wore no underwear. I almost laughed at the thought. Humans were one of two species that did.

I pressed my hand against my lips to keep from moaning. There were no words to describe how magnificent he was. His cock was… huge. And it was ribbed and had a shape that was unlike any toy I’d ever used, but seemed designed for my pleasure. It was the color of strawberries mixed with tangerines, both fruits that I’d been lucky enough to taste once. I could only imagine what his cum tasted like.

Wait. Did this creature of unknown origin have cum or was it some reprehensible substance? And whoa. Could he make me pregnant?

Of course not, idiot. You have the stick inside of you.

The stick, a surefire method of making a woman infertile for as long the human was wearing it. I had no idea why in God’s name I was thinking of something so ridiculous. Other than I was certain this alien had taken my virginity. Holy cow. There were very few species that could be cross mated, fewer still where the children were born without… issues. That kept marriages between different creatures down to a minimum. Now I was analyzing the situation as I did everything else, something I’d picked up from my anal-retentive father.

Then why was I one hundred percent certain that’s what was happening?

Fulfilling a destiny. I was certain of it.

My parents had known all along. Had they made a deal with this creature? Oh, God. I was really going out on a limb. Maybe my parents’ protectiveness had been all about keeping me from him.

A laugh bubbling to the surface, I forced myself to look away, rummaging through the box and pulling out the first large object I was able to get my hands on.

When I yanked out a vibrator, I accidentally turned it on, the whirling sound dragging both of our attention to the festive pink sex toy. I held it out as if it was a secret weapon, giving off a throaty sound.

“I’ll gut you if you don’t leave.” I shifted back and forth from one foot to the other. The strange beast only stared at me for a few seconds then advanced without hesitation, taking the vibrator from my hand and tossing it aside. Then he wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck, pulling me onto my toes and against him, issuing the same word once again.


And somehow, I knew he meant it. As he tilted my head, he crushed his mouth over mine, pushing my lips open forcefully. The beast was going to take what he wanted with or without my permission.

I smacked my hands against his chest several times, whimpering into the nasty moment that had me all wired and on fire and…

Then everything moved into a dull roar. My heartbeat. My rapid pulse. The vibrator. My whimpers. Suddenly, the moment was entirely too passionate, as if we’d been lovers for years. I was lightheaded, trying to fixate on anything else but how deliriously amazing this felt. But it was impossible.

When he swept his tongue inside, I was pleasantly shocked all over again. There were layers to the long appendage, curling on both the top and bottom, able to explore every single inch. I was teetering on a wave of madness, unable to stop myself from sliding my arms over his shoulders, even daring to tangle my fingers in his hair. Who did this kind of thing when first meeting someone?

An alien beast. That was who.

What I found fascinating was that while heat exploded between us, it was entirely different than before, as if he’d controlled his body temperature so as not to burn me. Was that even possible? He continued dominating my tongue, the taste of him surprisingly sweet. It seemed to awaken my senses, sending a shower of vibrations dancing down the back of my legs.

Or maybe my heightened excitement was because of how hard his cock was throbbing between my legs, pulsing to the point I longed to wrap my lips around it. I must be going crazy. My mouth wasn’t big enough to accept something so huge.

My mind spun at the thought of the crazed beast driving his red-hued cock deep inside my pussy. While it ached, throbbing as much as his shaft was pulsing, I was terrified that when he was finished, I’d never be able to walk again.

He rolled his hand down my back, cupping my bottom. I was shocked at the spines in his hand, which allowed his grip to be extremely firm. He lifted me even further off my feet and I awkwardly slipped my leg around his. I was acting as if I wanted this. That was as nuts as the fact the beast thought he could do anything he wanted to do to me.

Yet I was lightheaded, my entire body aching from his touch. I was also wetter than I’d ever been, my juice slickening the insides of both of my thighs. I’d been with guys who had a nice cock but this beast’s was entirely different, something special. I had to admit to myself, I was intrigued, more so than I should be.

The creature could split me in two and I didn’t even know his name or his species. However, he certainly seemed to know me, as if he’d been stalking me. Maybe that’s exactly what had occurred. Now I was lightheaded not only from the powerful kiss but also from the varied thoughts scuttling through my brain.

Maybe I was as scatterbrained as my mother appeared to be, even though that was a complete façade. She had eight degrees, was a doctor of four, could speak several languages, and could recite ancient books front to back.

And why was I thinking irrational thoughts while a sexy alien with burnished copper skin and eyes the color of fresh oranges was kissing me as if his life depended on it?

Because I’d gone and lost my mind.

Beast man pushed away seconds later and when the intimate hold was broken, I felt a complete loss. Enough so a whimper escaped my lips, which was thoroughly embarrassing.

The intense look in his eyes was different than before, a strange smile curling on the corners of his far too voluptuous lips. I’d never met a single alien with attractive lips. I found myself reaching out with another involuntary gesture, rolling the tip of my pinky around them just to know if they were as hot as the rest of him.

He narrowed his eyes, grunting like the predatory beast he was.
