Page 47 of Captive Mate

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After Thor woofed, he proceeded to lick remnants of ice cream from my face.

“Baby. What were you doing? Looking for rodents outside the window again?” I couldn’t help laughing as he continued licking with exuberance while I struggled to stand, tottering forward as I tried to place the ice cream on the counter. When I quickly turned around, the entire container flew out of my hand, hitting something with a solid thump, ice cream splattering across a broad surface.

That’s when I detected heat, lots of heat.

And the sound was from the ice cream melting, dripping onto my kitchen floor.

He was here, the beast who’d stripped away the last of my innocence.


The God of Fire.

Son of the creator of the universe.

The man who’d slithered into my fantasy world all those years ago.

The one who’d bitten me twice.

The one who’d saved my life from certain death.

And the one who told me he would return had made good on his promise.

Now I had to figure out how to get rid of him.



Fear was a fascinating emotion with mental, emotional, and physical characteristics. When it was boosted to sheer terror, thoughts became like firecrackers, certain senses heightened while others were diminished. Then there were the ominous characteristics, an innate understanding that something terrible was about to happen.

Maybe that was just my sixth sense taking over everything else. Every nerve stood on end, points of my life flashing before me.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The beseechingly slow drops to the floor instantly grated my nerves, masking even the sound of my rapidly beating heart. I looked up, stretching my neck, my eyes locking on the firebird tattoo in the middle of the beast’s chest, the creature who’d become my savior. The God of Fire. Wow. My heart raced as several impure thoughts formed in the back of my mind.

The beast took a deep breath, a slight rumble occurring in the creature’s massive chest.

Ice cream also dripped down the Vektorian’s chest in silent strings of gooiness, and all my wacked brain could think about was dragging my tongue through the thick ice crystals, slathering my tongue with the delicious goo. And I could envision licking every inch of him until he was clean.

Finally, I was able to blink, almost ready to breathe again. I reached out then immediately pulled my hand away, fisting my fingers. I was fearful my arm would burst into flames with a single touch. This was crazy but he was standing in my kitchen covered in ice cream.

“The God of Fire. I didn’t imagine you.” There was the second ‘oh, great’ moment of the evening. Or was it the third? I’d already lost count, my mind one big, fat blur of information. What a ridiculous statement to make. “You came for me. This is unreal.”

He slowly lowered his head, obviously noticing the ice cream as it ceremoniously continued sliding down his chest to his chiseled abdomen. A slight growl drifted from his throat. His skin took on a luminescent glow, so much so I was terrified I’d angered him. His upper lip curled, his heated aura becoming far too fiery for me to handle. He was concerned. He was angry. He was… sexy as hell.

“It’s not harmful. We eat ice cream as a treat. We as in humans. I don’t know about your kind. Whatever kind that is. Vektorian? Is that what you are? What the hell are you? My father says you’re the God of Fire. I guess I wasn’t too far off when I called you Zeus. Huh? Is your daddy going to annihilate the world? Is that what’s happening here? And the Tantians know I’m special to you somehow. Oh, Jesus. If I really am your mate, then they wouldn’t want that to happen. But why not? Wouldn’t that stop the destruction of the universe?”

When I was nervous, I chattered away. My mother used to tell me that she knew when I’d been a bad girl because I refused to stop talking. But I wasn’t just nervous. I was terrified out of my mind.

His expression changed, becoming agitated. Probably because I knew more about him than I was supposed to. My throat was dry, my mind blown. But I had to figure this out.

I looked away, shocked that Thor wasn’t barking or terrified, just sitting on his haunches staring up at the huge alien as if they were already best friends.

But the draw to the alien was intense, powerful, and I returned my gaze, my throat trying to close down tight. There was a screaming jolt of electricity tearing through my muscles, passing back and forth between us. He obviously felt it as well given the way his nostrils were flaring. My goodness in heaven above, the creature was handsome.

After taking a deep breath, the beast ran his fingers through the icy mess, holding up his dripping fingers then sniffing. He was exactly as I remembered, rough and tough looking, but sexier than the man who’d… Oh, dear God. His sudden appearance meant I hadn’t been imagining the brutal fucking he’d given me. Come to think of it, my pussy was aching. Had I not noticed it before? Really? Or was his sudden presence the reason I felt aches and pains when I hadn’t before?
