Page 49 of Captive Mate

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“No, of course not.” My palms were suddenly sweaty. “But you were my fantasy two years ago. You were also the man who claimed me for the first time. How did that happen? Were the gods warning or preparing me that you’d eventually come for me? I was right all along. My premonitions were all about my destiny. That is exactly what happened.” The question was who’d known about it? The droids? Not a chance. The people who owned the fantasy company? That was doubtful, although given what Tory had told me, maybe I was right to be concerned. Maybe the God of Creation. Yeah, that could be it. I was asking myself questions that likely had no good answers, or at least not ones I wanted to hear. When I glanced at him again, I ascertained he was thinking the exact same thing. Huh. Wasn’t this godlike creature omnipotent? I almost grinned at the thought.

Then I dragged my tongue across my lips, still trying to figure out how to get him the hell out of my apartment. After making the special clucking sound, which I’d taught Thor when he was a puppy, a sound meaning I needed help, I expected him to react instantly. Instead of jumping to his feet, baring his sharp canines and growling at the intruder, he simply whined, staring at me with his puppy dog eyes. This was getting ridiculous.

Without wasting more time, I lunged toward the drawer, managing to get my hand wrapped around the handle of one of the knives. “Don’t come any closer or I will cut you.” I shifted back and forth, jabbing the knife into the air like some badass warrior.

As he’d done before, the beast simply studied me, raking his finger down his chest and gathering what little of the ice cream was left, sticking another finger into his mouth. Oh, this had to be some leftover effects of the drugs, but I wasn’t taking the chance. I wanted to pray that’s what had occurred, some horrible creature slipping something into my drink. But I knew otherwise. I believed everyone had a single destiny. It seemed mine had come a-calling.

I allowed my gaze to fall, drinking in his utterly gorgeous essence, another round of salacious thoughts coursing through my mind.

Was the alien smiling? Could he read my mind? As if to answer my mental question, the bulge between his legs swelled to the point my mouth opened wide. He was fucking huge. Just like I remembered. How could a cock so big fit inside my tight little pussy?

Zeus slipped his hand down his chest, wrapping his fingers around the large appendage, stroking the base.

“Stop that. Stop reading my mind.” I purposely looked away but jabbed the knife toward him again, not that it was close enough to do anything. When I had the courage to glance back one more time, he’d stopped the naughty actions.

He reminded me of a true warrior, a creature sent across the universe to eradicate crime. They existed alright, a special force that only a few humans had ever been invited into.

“You’re not wanted here. I don’t belong to you. Just leave. Now. Thor. Come.” When the creature stood his ground, I felt I had no other choice. I turned and bolted, my mind a complete blur.

Thank God my puppy followed me, bounding up the stairs. I raced into my bedroom, slamming and locking the door. My entire body was shaking as I stepped backward, tripping on the corner of the bed, my ass falling smack into the middle of it.

And the sex toys.

With the weapon still in my hand, I scrambled toward the closet, hating the fact I’d purposely refused to have a communications system put in the bedroom. Or maybe I could blame Skyler since he was terrified our bedroom antics would be recorded. Ha. After three months that had faded into the woodwork. Thank God I had my handheld in my purse. The weapon or the communications device? What would be more helpful? The powerful laser weapon.

I didn’t have a chance to grab the box off the shelf before the door was not only kicked in but knocked completely off its hinges.

The gorgeous creature stood in the entranceway, his chest rising and falling. Then he took long strides inside, bending down and picking up Thor. He studied the pup’s face then started stroking his head, which confounded the hell out of me.

“Thor. Protect!” My furry baby was so confused, licking the alien’s face instead of attacking as trained. Although, come to think of it, he wasn’t trained to attack but to protect me.

“You are coming with me, Sunny, human woman of Earth Station Sixty-Nine,” the beast said.

“No, I’m not.”

“You have no choice. I am bigger and stronger.” He was comfortable being the big alpha he-man.

Isn’t that what you wanted?

“And yes, I know what you’re thinking,” he added.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I had created this exact fantasy. Hadn’t I? Yeah, well, maybe not exactly like this. Still, my nipples were fully aroused, poking through the thin material of my nightshirt. It was obvious he could tell, a sensual smirk remaining on his face. If a creature like him smirked. I folded one arm across my chest, feeling ridiculous at being attracted to him.

“That’s not what happens on this Earth Station. You can’t just take someone against their will. That’s a crime. I don’t care if you’re some Vektorian mafia god. However, I am curious. Where would you want to take me?”

“To my planet, Sunny. You are my mate and were destined for me.”

If I heard the word one more time, I’d issue a primal scream.

“You can’t do that. I have responsibilities right here. I’m a very important person on this Earth Station, animals are counting on me. I own a veterinary clinic on Broadway. Well, I’m renting the space, just like this dump, but that’s not what matters. It’s not much but it’s very important to me. All I ever wanted to do was care for animals, puppies in particular, although I’ve learned to love kittens and cats. Sadly, they’re mostly extinct after a feline crisis almost two centuries ago. Anyway, dogs are my world. Thor is mine but there are some recovering at my clinic. Do you even have the need for people like me where you live?” What was going on with me? This was way beyond certifiable. My nerves were frazzled.

He took a deep breath, holding it in as he studied me. I was obviously not getting through to him so why bother?

“Don’t mind me. I don’t know what I’m saying but I will need to put my foot down. I can’t go with you.” As if that was a choice?

“Like this? Animals.” He held Thor out and for a few seconds, I was certain Zeus was going to drop my baby. I lunged forward and the beast growled.
