Page 52 of Captive Mate

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“Including the destruction of Earth, my home planet.”

His expression changed, highlighting he’d grown more agitated with the conversation. “Humans are destructive individuals. My father taught your ancestors a valuable lesson.”

Now I had several reasons to hate him and his kind. “This is insane. I can’t go with you. That’s final.”Right, girl. As if he’s going to listen to reason or demands.

“You will. By force if necessary.” He put an exclamation point on his statement by taking a menacing step closer.

It would seem I was out of options. For now. Maybe it was best to play along with him until I could signal for help.

“Not without my puppy as well as the ones at my veterinary clinic. They need to be taken care of. They need me. So, just go ahead and leave and I won’t tell anyone you were here. I promise.” I was hoping that would deter the creature from his decision.

First, he glanced at me as if I was some crazy chick. Then he added a few of the other toys from his box to his uniform, even shoving one of the vibrators into an unseen pocket somewhere.

There were few chances to do anything; my last possibility was getting to the transport unit. Then there’d be some sense of hope, an ability to fly directly into the main military scanners surrounding the base where my father worked.

I inched closer to the dresser, waiting as I made cooing noises to my fur baby. At least Thor responded like normal, wiggling to try to get to me. That’s the moment the firebird beast placed him gently on the floor, immediately returning his attention to the box of goodies. There wasn’t a second to lose. I snatched my baby first, struggling given his size and weight then my purse.

And I flew down the stairs, making it to the front door without being snagged. My breathing was heavy but thankfully, Thor was a good boy, not fighting me too much. I was out the door in seconds. But I heard a deep rumble, as if a massive galactic storm was headed toward the Earth Station. That’s when I altered my plans, racing toward the nosiest neighbor on the block, pounding on his door and ringing the security bell several times.

Then I heard a roar and threw a look over my shoulder.

Oh. My. God.

They were the only three words that came to mind; the beast was standing maybe twenty feet away morphing into something almost completely unrecognizable. His hair was flayed out, electrified by some crazy technique, rays of something horrible sparkling from every strand. His skin looked like molten lava, oozing up and down his sinewy muscles.

He took two steps toward me and I shrieked. That’s when he decided to show me just how powerful he was, throwing out one finger and an entire twenty-foot area was incinerated immediately.

“Oh, the big bad bully thinks he can scare me. To hell with you.” I backed away then took off running, determined to head around the group of buildings toward the area where I’d parked the transport unit. As soon as I was locked away inside, there would be no possibility he could get me. None.

I pumped my legs as fast as possible, but Thor kept slipping in my arms. I refused to drop him, banking around one corner then another. When I heard another roar, I slid against the side of one of the buildings, crouching down and taking several deep breaths.

Then all was silent.

I kissed Thor’s face, holding him close and whispering for him to stay quiet. He understood English, panting but remaining as silent as a pup could. “We’re going to be fine. Okay? Just a few more steps.” I took another deep breath then crept closer to the edge of the building, peering out. From where I was, I could see the covered space where several transport units were kept. Less than a minute and I’d be safe.

Giving myself a mental boost, I rushed forward and around the corner.

Straight into a hard body.

The muscular structure of the man determined to capture me. The hard hit was jarring but I managed to stumble backwards, slowly lifting my head to stare into his eyes, ones that appeared to be on fire.

“Bad human. There will be consequences.”

Gone was the fire-breathing dragon from before, the alien returning to a more natural state. That didn’t mean I couldn’t see both anger and disappointment in his eyes. Suddenly, I felt like a bad little girl, which was ridiculous. Who was this… being to tell me what I could or couldn’t do?

I was angry myself. I was incensed. I was also close to becoming emotional.

Especially when Thor did everything he could to get out of my arms, finally succeeding and running toward the alien, rubbing his face against the male’s legs.

“Traitor,” I hissed.


“Look, beast. You come into my world and act as if you already own me. That won’t help anyone to display good behavior.”

I’d expected at least one of my neighbors to turn on an exterior light or to have a security system do it for them, but it was as if the beast was controlling everything around him.

He did something so unexpected I couldn’t speak or think. I also didn’t try to escape. He pulled a chair from the porch of one of the larger units into the center of the decking platform then sat down, yanking me closer.
