Page 56 of Captive Mate

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As he buried his face into my wetness, sucking and licking, I wanted the moment to continue yet my body refused to be denied. A climax swept through my system like a raging tidal storm, the force he used to suck my juice unimaginable. I was dizzy from joy, delirious from continued need, alternating between laughing and moaning as I tossed my head back and forth.

I could hear myself screaming as a second orgasm barreled through me and I was caught in a crazed moment of letting go. I was no longer the girl who’d been cautious her entire life, the good girl who followed every rule.

A slight hint of pain almost immediately turned to a wave of pleasure that I would never be able to adequately describe. It was as if I was floating on a wave of perfect air, watching what was happening from somewhere in the stratosphere. Blinking furiously, I tried to focus, to see the reason behind the split second of anguish.

When I lifted my head, I heard the garbled sounds pushing up from my throat. He’d driven his sharp canines in the sensitive, fleshy area of my inner thigh so close to my pussy that I wasn’t entirely certain he wasn’t drawing blood from there.

“You’re… I mean…” The wildest hallucinogenic vibrations and vivid colors rushing by my periphery of vision were unlike anything I’d ever felt. So intense. So mind-blowing that my lips had formed a perfect O as the purest form of euphoria rushed in.

He growled and pulled away, dragging his rough tongue around the area where he’d bitten. If that’s what had really happened.

I was suddenly the one who fisted an alien stranger’s hair, pushing his face into my wetness as I dug my heels into the comforter. Nothing had ever felt this amazing. He refused to stop, his two tongues finding my G-spot and refusing to let go. I sensed I was shaking violently, the orgasm the best one of my life.

If the walls hadn’t been soundproofed, there’d be no doubt my neighbors had heard the explosive sounds. My ears were ringing from the high-pitched, ragged sound of my own voice, my eyelids barely able to move let alone stay open.

“Look at me, little human.”

The sound of his deep voice was melodic and commanding, but I had no energy at all. All I wanted to do was to roll over and fall fast asleep. Then in the morning, I wanted my life to return to normal, leaving me with a beautiful, filthy dream.

“Little human. Open your eyes.”

I licked my dry lips, trying to be obedient, the haze surrounding my head continuing. Yet I knew I wasn’t hallucinating. There was a gorgeous beast positioned between my legs, his chest rising and falling as he stared at me. I was locked into the moment, now unable to blink as he reared back onto his haunches, allowing me to see more definition in his sculpted arms and massive thighs.

When he peeled off the shirt, I took and held my breath, the glorious view in front of me something most women were never allowed to see in their lifetimes. He was a stunning specimen, perfect in every way.

I had to be drunk on the passion to be thinking that way. The moment I tried to pull up onto my elbows, he pressed his hand against my stomach, the touch alone providing another wave of tingling sensations. A part of me wanted to ask him how he thought I tasted, which was insane all on its own.

Silly me forgot he’d admitted being able to read my mind. When he thrust two fingers inside my aching pussy, pumping several times, I gasped. Then as he pulled his hand free, sliding the tips around his mouth before shoving them inside, I bit my lower lip. Crazy thoughts were racing through my mind. I’d never been this hungry for a man in my life. I’d never acted like some schoolgirl with a crush.

And I’d never responded to anyone being all controlling with such glee.

When he yanked his fingers away, moving off the bed completely, I held my breath.

“You taste perfect,” Zatan said, his tone gravelly and his eyes changing colors several times, so luminescent that I could get caught in them for hours. “Now, I fuck you. Then I take you.”

He was so matter of fact, as if arguing with him was pointless. I watched in sheer awe as he removed the remainder of his clothes. It was as if the experience in the club hadn’t occurred and now, I was seeing him for the first time. I couldn’t stop shaking, the combined scent of our needs filling the room, becoming almost suffocating.

There were a million things I wanted to say, rambling thoughts that had no beginning or end, but they all flew out the window when his cock sprang free. Talk about seeing something for the first time. What I’d gathered from looking in the three-way mirror seconds before the alien had shoved the humongous appendix into my still aching pussy wasn’t even close.

“Oh. My.”

It was the first time I could see he was pleased at something I’d said, not just aggravated or amused. How could I not be? I couldn’t care less what color he was or what type of alien. He was gorgeous in every language and on every planet.

What are you thinking? He’s determined to derail your life.

A small part of me was hoping this was still nothing more than a fantasy. After all, they were all the rage. Nope. I knew better. I just couldn’t get my mind out of the intense fog.

Or the gutter.

With the scent of raw sex in the air, I couldn’t deny what was happening between us.

He crawled onto the bed with intent in mind and I shoved my heels into the bedding several times to try to pull myself out of his clutches.

Of course there was no chance of that.

Zatan sat down, the heavy weight of his body creating creaking sounds under my bed. I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock, licking my mouth as it watered from the sight of his leaking pre-cum. The crooked thing was truly something of utter beauty.

“Come here,” he commanded, although I could barely hear his voice given the deep, throaty sound.
